Cover Reveal: Swept Away by Kristina Mathews


Inside the Book:

Title: Swept Away
Author: Kristina Mathews
Publisher: Lyrical Shine
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Format: Ecopy

Carson Swift may look exactly like his twin brother Cody, but they’re as different as tie dye and camouflage. Reliable, responsible, and usually the designated driver, Carson is also over being his brother’s keeper, but suddenly his plans to break free are complicated by the woman they fish out of Hidden Creek . . .

Lily Price is not your typical damsel in distress. Infidelity, infertility, and downsizing provide a triple threat to her ego, but falling into the swollen river nearly ends her life. If not for the handsome stranger—make that two handsome strangers—she might not have had a chance at having a baby by any means necessary . . .

As Carson helps Lily overcome her fear of the river, she helps him save his rafting business from going under. She also saves him from abandoning all that is important to him in order to get a taste of freedom. Together they find that love is the ultimate adventure.
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Meet the Author


Kristina Mathews doesn’t remember a time when she didn’t have a book in her hand. Or in her head. But it wasn’t until she turned forty that she confessed the reason the laundry never made it out of the dryer was because she was busy writing.

While she resigned from teaching with the arrival of her second son, she’s remained an educator in some form. As a volunteer, parent club member, or para educator, she finds the most satisfaction working with emergent and developing readers, helping foster confidence and a lifelong love of books. She proudly tells her students she writes romance novels that they can read when they’re older.

Kristina lives in Northern California with her husband of more than twenty years, two sons and a black lab. As a veteran road tripper, amateur renovator, and sports fanatic, she hopes to one day travel all 3,073 miles of Highway 50 from Sacramento, CA to Ocean City, MD, replace her carpet with hardwood floors, and someday throw out the first pitch for the San Francisco Giants.

For More Information

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Book Blast: The Humanist Society by Joseph Sassoon - Win a Gift Card


Inside the Book:

Title: The Humanist Society Book Blast 
Author: Joseph Sassoon 
Publisher: iUniverse 
Pages: 174 
Genre: Social Science 
Format: Ebook

What accounts for the rise and fall of so many civilizations—especially when some of them held more political power than their rivals? Author Joseph Sassoon tackles this question and many others in this, his second volume on self-actualization. As a missionary for humanism, he explores the social conditions that are necessary for the greatest number of people to achieve self-actualization.

In presenting his theories, he reviews the work of major thinkers, including Kurt Goldstein and his landmark book, Human Nature in the Light of Psychopathology; Charles Darwin; Buddha; and many others.

Sassoon explores the answers to key questions:
• What is society’s role in helping individuals move toward self-actualization?
• What benefits would society enjoy if more people achieved their potential?
• What are the main characteristics of a humanist code?
• What can we do to promote humanist values?

A third volume in this series will establish the conditions required to bring about a world federalism based on humanism. In a changing world with competing ideologies, it is more important than ever to establish the importance of humanist values. In this study, Sassoon describes a step-by-step social arrangement leading to self-actualization for the greatest number of people in society.
The Humanist Society is available for order at

Meet the Author:

Joseph Sassoon is married with two children and two grandchildren. He is also the author of Self Actualization: Theory and Technology. He earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Long Island University in New York and is a retired real estate developer. The Humanist Society is the second book in a trilogy on self-actualization.


Joseph is giving away a $25 Gift Card!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Gift Certificate to the e-retailer of your choice
  • This giveaway begins February 15 and ends on February 26.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on February 27.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!


Book Feature: The Berkshire Jack Russells by Eileen Chatwin - Win a $25 Gift Card


Inside the Book:

Title: The Berkshire Jack Russells 
Author: Eileen Chatwin 
Publisher: Authorhouse 
Pages: 108 
Genre: Memoir 
Format: Ebook

This is a true story about two Jack Russell's who lived in Berskhire with my me and my children. They truly had a wonderful life and I think you should read about them, what they got up to and they places they visited. When you hear other people saying it's a dogs life, they mean that they think that dogs have an easy life. Well that is not true as they are always guarding their owners as well as trying to enjoy themselves. They also met some interesting animals during their travels so why not read about them.
The Berkshire Jack Russells is available for order at

Meet the Author:

Having been the owner and lived with these two Jack Russells, Gabby and Boni, all their lives, l thought there was a story to be told about them as they were the most loyal and fun loving dogs you could wish to have owned. They were mother and daughter, as we had two litters of puppies, but we did not keep any from the second litter as we thought two dogs were enough in a house. We took them everywhere we travelled both in England and abroad, and wherever we lived they were constantly on guard for our personal safety whether that be out walking on a lead or in bed when they were guarding the house. When they died, almost within a year of each other, we realized what a difference they had made in our lives as a family. They were missed almost every day, you had got so used to them bouding around the house. My grown up daughter's have families of their own now and are going to have some Jack Russells very soon of their own for their children. My late husband would love to have known that a book had been written about our two dogs as he thought they were great. Gabby was born in June 1976 and died in September 1992 and Boni was born in May 1978 and died in October 1993. I live in the County of Berkshire in England where there are a lot of Stud Farms that breed Jack Russells so you see a lot of them around. I do creative writing as a hobby now that I am retired and thought how delighted my late husband and of course my own children would be if I wrote about the dogs we had. I am a widow and live on my own but have plenty of good memories to keep me going. My grandchiildren are always asking for stories about the dogs that their mum's had and of course I always oblige. Happy Days.


Eileen is giving away a $25 Gift Card!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Gift Certificate to the e-retailer of your choice
  • This giveaway begins February 15 and ends on February 26.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on February 27.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!


Cover Reveal: Within a Captain's Fate by Lisa A. Olech


Inside the Book:

Within A Captains Fate
Title: Within a Captain's Fate
Author: Lisa A. Olech
Publisher: Lyrical Press
Genre: Historical Romance
Format: Ecopy
Wherever the tides take you . . . Guided by the winds of fate, Henry ‘Ric’ Robbins arrives on a hot June day in Port Royal. But the moment he sets foot on what should be a pirate’s paradise, he’s driven to steal a woman destined for slavery, survives the worst natural disaster to ever hit the isle of Jamaica, and answers the call to be captain of the Scarlet Night. Jocelyn Beauchamp’s life is one of privilege—until she is rudely thrown into the hands of pirates. Freed from the chains of her cloistered society, Jocelyn is drawn to her newfound life at sea—reckless, thrilling, and utterly unpredictable. And the man who saved her life not once, but twice—why not do it all over again?
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Meet the Author

Lisa Olech
Surrounded by men, Lisa considers herself an estrogen island in a sea of testosterone! This makes her queen!! Living in the beauty of New England she spends her free time tending the many gardens that surround her home and breathing fresh lake air.
She loves getting lost in a steamy book, finding the perfect pair of fabulous, sexy shoes and dreaming of her handsome heroes.
Her creativity and deep sense of spirituality has filled her life with new and wondrous adventures. She believes in ghosts, silver linings, and happily ever afters!
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