Special Needs Children? Check out this guest post from the authors of Child Decoded!


Inside the Book:

The last twenty years have seen a huge increase, not only in children with learning and behavior problems, but in children with bewildering combinations of them. These combinations can defy easy categorization and resist treatment. Figuring these children out can feel like trying to decrypt an especially complex code, without a cypher. Even professionals find it challenging.

We have seen family after family exhausted, overwhelmed and confused about how to sort through all the data and figure out how to proceed. There is certainly no shortage of information out there. What seems to be missing is guidance on how to synthesize it to create a larger picture that gives parents a clearly sequenced path forward.

This book presents a new kind of resource for a new kind of need. It includes:

Extensive checklists to help you see new possibilities and find avenues of support you may not have considered
Explanation of the hidden factors that may be worsening your child’s learning or behavior problems
Discussion of the difference between digging deeper for true causes and merely assigning diagnoses to the “tip of the iceberg” symptoms you are seeing
Descriptions of the major areas of developmental, learning and behavioral challenges, as well as common misdiagnoses.
Lots of useful ‘news you can use’ about what options are available to you, which practitioners do what, and what questions to ask along the way
Descriptions of both Western medicine and alternative medicine solutions
Sequence matters: helpful information on how to prioritize treatments in a complex situation
Stories of families who have been in the same trenches you have
Tips on how to work more productively with your child’s school; develop a plan of action that makes sense for your budget, your family’s schedule and your sanity; maintain a healthy connection with your child; and more!
Written by over 20 professionals, Child Decoded is a thorough, must-have resource that any family with struggling children should consult!


Parenting a special needs child ain’t for the faint of heart. The overwhelm, the frustration, the exhaustion…it’s hard. I know. I’ve been there.

Since my own special needs son has just graduated from college, I’ve been thinking a lot about our journey with him. I’ve been talking to him about it, too, and some of his insights surprised me.

I can tell you every therapy we tried, every medical approach we used, every school support we fought for. Each was crucial. But, looking back from this vantage point, the little everyday things that saved our lives are less obvious. Here are three:

1.      Acceptance. It sounds obvious, but I swear, everything got so much easier when I finally accepted the whole situation. My son was going to have good days and really bad ones, and would never have a ‘normal’ path, and would often take two steps forward, three steps back.

And there was absolutely nothing I could do about that. A bad day was neither a reflection of my parenting nor proof he wasn’t trying hard enough.  It was just the way we rolled in our world. My job was to find the next steps and to love the stuffing out of him, and to let go of any attachment to who I wished he was.

I don’t mean to make this sound easy, by the way. It was just necessary. I was a much better mother when I wasn’t railing against reality. And, he now tells me, he felt much safer and more able to cope when I was calmer about it all.

2.      Find something your child loves just because he loves it. For my son, that thing was fencing. It’s an odd sport that he found when he was 10 and still excels at. After a weeklong summer camp intro, he took to it with an ease and passion that shocked us.

After a while, I could see what it was really giving him: a place to let go of all the therapies and pressure. He wasn’t “the kid being fixed” there. He was just himself, having fun. He really needed somewhere to be that.

3.      Love ‘em up. This insight came from my son, and it completely blew me away. I hugged him constantly during our toughest years. Sometimes, it was the only thing I could think of to do. I also told him what I loved about him, and showed him daily that his creativity and goofy humor delighted me.

When I asked him recently what he thought his saving grace was during those difficult years, he gave me the sweetest smile and said, “I always knew I was loved.”

I focused mostly on finding answers for my son. That was a given. But when I look back, I think the most important thing I did was actually to focus on him – who he was under the struggles, what his world felt like, what he needed in order to keep going. You wear a lot of hats, as the parent of a special needs child. “Person who loves you more than anyone else on the planet and won’t let you forget it” is one hat you never, ever take off.

Meet the Authors:

Kim Gangwish has  been  practicing  in  the  fields  of  mental  health  and  applied physiology for the last 18 years. Ms. Gangwish specializes in a form of acupressure that focuses on  neurological  integration,  called  LEAP  (Learning  Enhancement  Acupressure  Program).  She works  with  both  children  and  adults  who  have  learning  or  sensory  issues,  or  mild  traumatic head injuries. Her passion for educating caregivers has led her to present at international health conferences,  educational  programs  for  school  districts,  and  parent  and  adoption  support organizations,  where  she  emphasizes  the  importance  of  exploring underlying  causal  factors that contribute to learning and sensory issues. Being an adoptive mother herself, Ms. Gangwish is  very  active  in  the  adoption  community.  She  has  written  an ongoing  column  in  Adoption Today  magazine  and  founded  a  non-profit  organization  that  supports  adopted  children  and their families through an integrated team of therapeutic professionals. Ms. Gangwish runs her practice,  The  Life  Enrichment  Center,  in both  Louisville  and  Denver,  Colorado.  Kim  is also  the founder    and    CTO    (Chief    Technology    Officer)    of    a    biomedical    company,    Genovus Biotechnologies  Inc.,  which  is  developing  a  peripheral  neurostimulation  device  to  help  people with degenerative  neuromuscular diseases. She  lives in Louisville  with her two sons and many animals. You can read more about her and her work at www.neural-integration.com.  

Dr. Robin McEvoy is a developmental neuropsychologist practicing in Denver, Colorado. She evaluates and diagnoses a wide range of learning disabilities and learning needs in children, adolescents, and adults. She then works with the family to develop a treatment plan to  remediate  weaknesses  and  accentuate  strengths.  In  addition  to  her  private  practice,  Dr. McEvoy   is   an   assistant   professor   at   the   University   of   Colorado   Health   Sciences   Center. Although  evaluation  is  the  heart  of  her  work,  Dr.  McEvoy  also  loves  the  educational  process  - speaking  to  parents,  schools,  or  other  health  professionals  about  learning,  development,  and parenting  in  this  new  age  where  many  learning  and  developmental challenges  are  more frequent.  
Dr.  McEvoy  and  her  daughter,  Tessa,  have  published  a  children’s  book, Buddy: A Story for Dyslexia. This book has a lovely endorsement from Dr. Sally Shaywitz, a leading authority in
the  field.  Proceeds from  the  book  are  being  used  to fund  reading  remediation for  low  income children. You can find the book at www.learningmoxie.com. You can read more about Robin McEvoy at her website www.robinmcevoy.com. She blogs about  learning  and  learning  challenges  at  www.learningmoxie.com.  You  can  follow  her  on Facebook  at  www.facebook.com/DrRobinMcEvoy  or  on  Twitter at  twitter.com/RobinMcEvoy. She will try to be fascinating.  

Marijke Jones got her BA from Cornell University, and finally settled down in Colorado after living in Japan and traveling throughout Asia and other parts of the world. She has been a copy and developmental editor for over ten years and has worked on a number of manuscripts, McGraw-Hill textbooks, website content, and other miscellaneous projects during that time. She has also published essays, mostly about her experiences raising, homeschooling, and trying to figure out her twice exceptional son. Ms. Jones is passionate about helping families with struggling children find answers and peace of mind. She believes that for each thing a child can’t do, there is something amazing that he can do. A former therapist who specialized in trauma, she also believes that monitoring children’s emotional and mental health is every bit as important as remediating their learning issues. She lives with her incredibly patient husband in Louisville, Colorado, where she enjoys the beautiful Rocky Mountains and all they have to offer. Occasionally, her two adult children come home from college or Europe or wherever they have been having more adventures than she has.


Tour Schedule

Monday, March 6
Book featured at Yah Gotta Read This

Tuesday, March 7
Guest blogging at Write and Take Flight

Thursday, March 9
Book featured at Books, Dreams, Life

Friday, March 10
Interviewed at Confessions of an Eccentric Bookaholic

Monday, March 13
Book featured at Nicole's Book Musings

Thursday, March 16
Guest blogging at The Book Czar

Friday, March 17
Book featured at The Hype and the Hoopla

Tuesday, March 21
Interviewed at As the Page Turns

Thursday, March 23
Book featured at Inkslinger's Opus

Friday, March 24
Book featured at My Bookish Pleasures

Tuesday, March 28
Book reviewed at I'm Shelf-ish

Wednesday, March 29
Book featured at Mello and June

Thursday, March 30
Book featured at Just Us Book Blog

Book Feature: Count to One by Bishop Robert Gosselin


The prayer of Jesus in John 17 was that His Church would be one, and that together we would display the glory of God to a lost and dying world. Our unity would prove our message. Sadly, we’ve badly missed the mark.

Bishop Robert lifts the veil on what the Holy Spirit has been doing across the globe, enflaming hearts of believers everywhere to fulfill Christ’s prayer. Today, God is moving His Church to the place of unity we see in John 17! Count to One lays a simple and compelling foundation every believer can stand upon, examining the issues and answering the questions everyone asks about overcoming the barriers to genuine Christian unity.

God gave Bishop Robert an interesting task one day in prayer, telling him “I am teaching you to count to one!” The lesson was to be found in a simple truth revealed in the pages of the Scriptures. The Lord’s determination to see the unity of His Body restored and His desire to see the power of His glory displayed to a lost and dying world will strike you with deliberate force as you take in the message of Count to One.

Christ desires to see His Body as one—a powerful and life-changing reflection of His own ministry on Earth, and Bishop Robert lays out the principles that every believer in Jesus can use to begin breaking down the barriers, which have held them back and building bridges of unity within the Body of Christ. Using a combination of fascinating historical insights and refreshingly simple applications of Scripture, Bishop Robert leads you down the path to real freedom to love your brothers and sisters in Christ in a new and effective way.

Read the book and meet the family you never believed you had. Welcome home!

For more information, please visit www.BishopRobert.com

Bishop Robert is a voice for unity in the Body of Christ. His heart’s cry is the prayer of Jesus in John 17, that followers of Jesus may be one, and so proclaim the message of the Gospel in the power of His glory.

God gave Bishop Robert an interesting task one day in prayer, telling him “I am teaching you to count to one!” The lesson was to be found in a simple truth revealed in the pages of the scriptures. The Lord’s determination to see the unity of His Body restored and His desire to see the power of His glory displayed to a lost and dying world will strike you with deliberate force as you take in the message of Count To One. 

Bishop Robert serves as the President & Chief Executive Officer of Count to One, a ministry which exists to promote greater unity in the Body of Christ worldwide. Christ said that our love for one another would be the way the world would know that we are His disciples. As followers of Christ forgive one another and love one another - we will be in a better position to serve Jesus and fulfill the Great Commission.

Book Feature: A Meeting with GOD by Mike Ward


Inside the Book:

Title: A Meeting with GOD
Author: Mike Ward
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Genre: Religion/Spiritual
Format: Ebook

This book is my true recolection of the events leading up to the Mystical experience that i had in february of 1993 Immediately after my Spiritual Pilgrimage to the holy shrines on mount Carmel, Israel - The world centre of the Bahai Faith. My experience was so intense that it took me over a year to recover a sense of normality and be able to return to my work as a contact design draughtsman, to support my family. I had been a Bahai fo ten years prior to this - but i did not know the reality of Faith that i had been investigating at all, i was just aware of the iceing on the cake - a Religion that seemed to tick all the right boxes and had the ingredients to appeal to a wide percentage of Mankind. Until i visited the tombs of the Prophets on Mount Carmel, and abzorbed a lions share of that Holy spirit latent witin that Sacred place which soon led to a full mystical union with God as the spirit of Baha'u'llah here on earth. I believe that i was chosen for that experience because the Spirit knew that i would one day reveal the full details of His power to the world and publish the experience for all to read as a book and on the world wide web. So here you all are - read and be inspired, and may God bless you all - Michael.

About the Author

My name is Mike Ward, i am a Bahai Mystic, i am married with a family, i work for a living I enjoy my life and i am happy. My only ambition is to reveal to as many people as possible the details of my meeting with the Holy Spirit and for them to in turn investigate the truth of Baha'u'llah's Religion - the Bahai faith, and discover the sacred Spirit animating this cause and therefore become aware of His influence i guiding the affairs of humanity today, towards a global world peace and united world community consisting of all members of the global community, whatever their Religion, Race or Culture or beliefs. As Baha'u'llah Himself said "The world is one country and all mankind are its citizens". and "The most great peace Shall come!" - so shall it be. Namaste. Michael.


Mike is giving away a $25 Gift Card!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Gift Certificate to the e-retailer of your choice
  • This giveaway begins February 27 and ends on March 10.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on March 11.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!


Book Feature: Government Control of News by Corydon B. Dunham

Inside the Book:

Title: Government Control of News
Author: Corrydon B. Dunham
Publisher: iUniverse
Genre: Law/Civil Law
Format: Ebook

“Because of the overwhelming changes in media within the past twenty years, First Amendment values are more vital than ever to this country’s freedom. This thorough study brings to the forefront the reasons that government regulation of news content violates the public interest and the fundamental principles of the First Amendment. A recent FCC decision may even threaten the freedom of news on the Internet.

The U.S. State Department urged at World Press Freedom Day in 2011 that journalists should not be the only ones standing for press freedom. “Each one of us who recognize the value of an informed citizenry must also stand up for this fundamental right.”  - www.misa.org/mediarelease/pressfreedom.html

"I do not endorse any author's view. I am a mere writer, book editor, and book reviewer, but I can appreciate a superbly-researched and well-written book when I see one, regardless of that author's point of view." - The Bookpleasures.com Review

About the Author

Corydon B. Dunham enjoyed a lengthy career working on television free press issues as a First Amendment lawyer and executive vice president for a television network in charge of its legal matters, relations with the government, and network broadcast standards


Corydon is giving away a $25 Gift Card!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Gift Certificate to the e-retailer of your choice
  • This giveaway begins January 30 and ends on February 10.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on February 11.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!


Book Blast: The Dilution of America by Louis C. Gilde & Lawrence C. Gambone


Inside the Book:

Title: The Dilution of America
Author: Louis C. Gilde with Lawrence C. Gambone
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Genre: Biography
Format: Ebook

The Dilution of America

America, American society and American industry have all become diluted. What this means is that the country’s political-social-economic situation no longer reflects the design and purpose our founding fathers intended. Many factors play into this problem; and Lou Gilde and Larry Gambone have successfully teamed up in an attempt to cite most of them:

The failure of the “Greatest Generation” to prevent the insidious creep  of socialism;

 The paradigm change from business/government cooperation to  anti-business sentiment;

 The failure of our inner-city programs, to include industry incentives  and schools;

 The curtailing of religious expression and moral behavior;

 The eroding of true representative governance by a bloated, unwieldy,  and unaccountable bureaucracy;

 The demise of a true free enterprise system resulting from over  regulation; and

 The movement from capitalism to socialism by ever-increasing  entitlement (socialistic) programs.

We have reached an important turning point with the economy, the environment, and with the many socio-political issues facing our great nation. Unless the average voter realizes that government is handcuffing our economy, we will suffer economic malaise and worse. Our present approach to governance must be reversed if we are to remain an economic powerhouse in the 21st century.

To do this, we need an educated electorate who will vote wisely in the coming elections in order to resolve the many Governmental problems that have occurred in the past. Until the American voters recognize the fact that Government is its own worst enemy -- and is unintentionally becoming an enemy of the people, the environment, and the economy -- we will continue down the path to ruin. Walt Kelly, in the comic strip, Pogo, said it best: “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

About the Author

Mr. Gilde's life experiences provide an interesting perspective challenging the concept of America's "Greatest Generation." He volunteered for World War II service in November of 1942 and spent twenty months overseas in the European Theater.

His entire professional career was spent as an industrial environmentalist with unique involvement in cooperative efforts with federal researchers prior to the creation of USEPA. This activity based on innovative waste water treatment resulted in over twenty presentations in the U.S. and overseas.

Because of the early research work, he collaborated with USEPA as an advisor in the preparation of its field manual on "Overland Flow Treatment of Waste Waters" and was awarded in 1979 by Region II EPA Certificate of Appreciation. During the 1970's he testified before Congress concerning rule makings in the environmental area that created unnecessary costs for business resulting in increased costs for citizens. Mr. Gilde also obtained two patents in the environmental field.

During retirement Mr. Gilde did volunteer work for the World Environment Center, a non-profit spinoff from the United Nations assisting U.S. Aide from the State Department on environmental projects incorporate in U.S. Aide programs. He consulted in over a half dozen projects for different countries and was sent to Egypt and Romania to conduct studies.

Mr. Gilde witnessed environmental matters from an unusual perspective in relation to business, government and the economy including the location of numerous new plant sites vs. older plants in distressed areas. He sets forth recommendations for a less confrontational future to foster a more dynamic economy where most of the federal bureaucracy is eliminated and the states are free to soar even higher than Texas and other pro-economy states. A section of the book is devoted to the revitalization of the City of Camden, NJ as a national demonstration for urban America.


Louis is giving away a $25 Gift Card!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Gift Certificate to the e-retailer of your choice
  • This giveaway begins February 27 and ends on March 10.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on March 11.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!


Book Feature: The Love Story of Creation: Book One by Edward Ruetz

Inside the Book:

Title: The Love Story of Creation: Book One
Author: Edward Ruetz
Publisher: iUniverse
Genre: Religion
Format: Ebook

A man awakens one day in a land of brilliant light. Unsure of his surroundings, he sees another man, woman, and their child surrounded by a pure crimson energy of love. He soon realizes that the Divine Beings intend to use their energy of love to give birth to new beings. And so begins an expanding Universe, fueled by diverse particles woven by gravity’s power into a massive web.
The Divine Beings empower atoms to be agents of creativity. The first beings, Quarkie and Photie, join twelve atom friends and quadrillions of other atoms who manage to create billions of suns in billions of galaxies. After the Divine Beings take the atom pals on journeys back to the past to visit other atom families, the atom friends living in the Milky Way Galaxy are jolted by an exploding supernova and land on planet Earth where they eventually create the first living beings.

During the next two billion years, they engage in a crucial mission—the conception of the eukaryote cell—which will determine all future creativity on Earth. But just as they are certain of their success, a momentous catastrophe threatens to end their creative journey

Meet the Author:
Edward J. Ruetz is a retired priest and a founding member of Earthworks, an Indiana ecological community since 1988. He currently lives in Indiana where he presents workshops on the Universe and the scientific story of creation, and continues his interest in the evolution versus religion debate and social justice issues


Edward is giving away a $25 Gift Card!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Gift Certificate to the e-retailer of your choice
  • This giveaway begins February 27 and ends on March 10.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on March 11.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!



February 27
February 28
March 1
March 2
March 3
March 6
March 7
March 8
March 9
March 10

Book Feature: Nursing is Caring on Beverly Wheeler, MSN, RN, ACNS-BC

Inside the Book:

Title: Nursing is Caring
Author: Beverly Wheeler, MSN, RN, ACNS-BC
Publisher: iUniverse
Genre: Medical
Format: Ebook

Nurses work long hours, deal with difficult patients, and their job gets messy. So why do so many men and women enter the profession?

That question is answered in Nursing Is Caring, which highlights the experiences of Beverly Wheeler's former students at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Texas School of Nursing.

The students were asked to write a short paper about a patient they had taken care of since entering nursing school who had inspired them and made them realize they were in the right profession.

Their essays show that while people enter the profession for numerous reasons, they all want to care for people—and not just patients. Nurses play a critical role in helping families start the healing process.

Whether it is holding a patient's hand, talking to a patient, or being a shoulder to cry on, nurses do much more than take blood or carry out a doctor's instructions.

Whether you're thinking about becoming a nurse, questioning why you entered the field or simply seeking more information about the profession, you'll be inspired by the personal accounts in this tribute to the profession.

About the Author

Beverly Wheeler, MSN, RN, ACNS-BC, is a clinical assistant professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Texas School of Nursing. She was formerly a clinical nurse specialist at the National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, and an adjunct clinical instructor at Marymount University, Arlington, Virginia. She received her bachelor's and master's degrees from George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia.

Melissa Maschke received her Associate Degree in Art from the San Antonio College and has been accepted in to bachelor degree program at the Southwest School of Art, San Antonio


Beverly is giving away a $25 Gift Card!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Gift Certificate to the e-retailer of your choice
  • This giveaway begins February 27 and ends on March 10.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on March 11.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!

