Book Blast: Muddy Minutes by Rima Jbara - Win a $25 Gift Card


Title: Muddy Minutes
Author: Rima Jbara
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Genre: Mind, Body, Spirit
Format: Ebook

“Sand rasped incidents in my life, causing an abrasive outcome. Down came the rain, smothering me with mud and splattering me with my tears, creating a pool of sorrow that I swam in. An intervening energy took over me. I felt weightless as it pushed me through murky incidents. As sand and rain danced as one, it tormented me, leaving smearing mud on my days. Devastation overcame me with a magnitude that quivered my being. As I soaked in this salt water, my life remained damp for some time.” ‘Muddy Minutes’ accentuates a phase in the life of actress Turquoise Colmenares which depended on one decision that would change her present and maybe her future, considering that it is impossible to satisfy everyone. Brave acts and scenes of perseverance gained her incessant admiration, and unveiled a subject that many actors dreaded about. She walked through her blown away dreams and tossed hopes with grace. She dared to live through all the muddled moments. Rima Jbara’s message in this novel is to help you experience the joy of being alive, and the completeness that gratitude can bring with fortitude, conviction and integrity.

Rima Jbara spent most of her childhood writing short stories overflowing with fantasy, and by the time she was 14, her first novel was released. Through her writing, she has given her readers a rare glimpse into her obscure world. The author released her evocative novel ‘Hope’ after five years of hiatus and obsession, and says, “I took time to experiment.” It contained gloomy and bitter self-conscious thoughts and dialogues that cemented Rima as a writer that has gone very deep to discover the inner most emotions in women and the ability to penetrate their souls. She wrote her bleak novels-on paper in shadowy rooms which only emphasizes the extreme infatuation of her art. An unconventional author, without an end declares her own death will comply while writing. Deeply troubled characters were created by Rima, and the complexity in these characters arises from her. The author’s life was tailor-made for her writing and sustains its passion in the pages; but she is best, when writing about herself. Visit the author online at  



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  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Gift Certificate to the e-retailer of your choice
  • This giveaway begins August 21 and ends on August 31.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on September 1.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
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Book Feature: The Failed Experiment by Mart Grams

Title: The Failed Experiment
Author: Mart Grams
Publisher: XLibrisUS
Genre: Social Science/Ethnic Studies
Format: Ebook

When the American government was founded, the Founders and Framers assumed a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” That government is dying. It is under the authority of not “we, the people” but rather a small elite that is trying to snuff out the great experiment of man ruling himself, the common man, the man that within the right system of government can attain his purpose to achieve happiness. Were the Framers wrong? Were the ideas of Alexander Hamilton right? Is man incapable of self-rule? Does he need to be taken care of, watched, manipulated? No! It is not a failed experiment! It is time to retake that government.


Married, two sons, had to endure sons to get granddaughters, 30 years of teaching in northern Wisconsin. Written three previous books: The Great Experiment, Economics for the Remnant, Words My Grandfather Gave Me, a fanatic of the American Dream, lives in small town with his wife Linda and their two cats, Miss Bailey and Stumpy.

Book Blast: Vita Antequam Mortem by Brett E. Walker - Win a $25 Gift Card


Title: Vita Antequam Mortem
Author: Brett E. Walker
Publisher: XLibrisUS
Genre: Fiction
Format: Ebook

This story is about a group of friends with very different personalities who party hard, do drugs, and go through life struggles together. Within this group of friends is Chase, who discovers what it feels like to experience true love at its finest. Throughout this tale, he endures undeniable pain both physically and emotionally, comprehends being alone for the very first time, and discovers what it feels like to have death in his family that takes away the meaning of his life. His mental state is tested throughout these series of events, bringing him to the brink of insanity. He is ultimately forced to make a decision that will stay with him for years to come, if not the rest of his life. Come take a hard look inside a weathered, imperfect, but genuinely beautiful mind.


Brett Walker was born and raised in Poughkeepsie New York. He is a first time author and is very excited about this story he has put together for readers to enjoy. What inspired him to write this story is the ups and downs people go through in life. Brett Walker is one of those guys who you don't expect to make it very far- A product of the hood and the suburbs, the underdog, an everyday example of what it is to be human... but this is what is so appealing about his story. He is just like you, just like the rest of the world. He has fell in love suffered heartbreak, and lost loved ones who meant the world to him, but somehow he has survived. Somehow he has surpassed everyone's expectations, and he has thrived



Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Gift Certificate to the e-retailer of your choice
  • This giveaway begins August 21 and ends on August 31.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on September 1.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone! 


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Book Review |The Special and the Ordinary by David Clapham


Inside the Book:

Title: The Special and the Ordinary
Author: David Clapham
Publisher: iUniverse
Genre: Coming of Age
Format: Ebook
John Haworth, despite innate shyness, has floated upward in a comfortable English home environment under the influence of much older sisters and their friends. After he begins a new school in the early fifties, the seven-year-old is looking lost when a classmate, Martin Holford, decides to take him under his wing. And so begins a long friendship.

Ordinary rules of life apparently do not apply to the confident Martin except, perhaps, when he allows his mischievous humor excessive free rein against the self-important. While on separate coming-of-age journeys, Martin and John get on fine, despite John's occasional resentment about Martin's ability to bounce back after perpetrating 'wrong notes' against the wealthy while John slaves away attempting to make new music sound modern. John, who has no desire to be to be an apathetic musician like his viola teacher, unfortunately lacks the talent, personality, and love of limelight to match his glamorous piano teacher or Katherine, the singer he accompanies on the piano. Now all he has to do is somehow find his place amid an uncertain career as a ghost composer where chances come as infrequent as success.

The Special and the Ordinary shares the unique story of two young people as they come of age and step into the future, each with a different idea on what it means to be true to themselves.

iUniverse awarded The Special and the Ordinary the 'Editor's Choice' designation. Here are excerpts from the enthusiastic editorial reviews:

"Definitely a worthwhile read, I recommend The Special and the Ordinary to lovers of literary fiction." - Pacific Book Review

"...heartwarming and uplifting." - Kirkus Reviews

"The writing is clear and refreshing, with clean sentences that move the story along at a brisk pace." - Clarion Review

My Review:
Have you ever been in a position where you have had a friend that got all the accolades and you just sat back hoping for a few? Did you ever want to be more than what you were? This book follows two friends on a journey to find themselves and what they go through to do so.

I really loved this book. I was able to relate on many different levels and thought that the author developed the characters and plot in such a way that kept you turning page after page. I really was able to relate to John and was pleased with how the author approached this character. He was extremely believable and you could feel his setbacks and triumphs.

I would highly recommend this book as I think everyone would be able to relate to it. 

Meet the Author:

David Clapham grew up in in Sheffield, England and studied botany at Oxford. After working at the Welsh Plant Breeding Station in Aberystwyth, Wales, he moved to Uppsala, Sweden, where he still lives today. David and his Swedish wife Lena have two children. He has also published Odd Socks with iUniverse in 2013. 

Book Blast: Planetary Project by Aleksandr V. Bezgodov - Win a $25 Gift Card

Title: Planetary Project
Author: Alexsandr V. Bezgodov
Publisher: XLibrisUK
Genre: Political Science
Format: Ebook

This monograph discusses current global economic and social issues. It describes the essence of the Planetary Project, based on the critique of the Concept of Sustainable Development. A model is proposed for solving global problems through global human unification aimed at saving the planet Earth from future cataclysms and catastrophe for present and future generations. The Planetary Project is in essence a paradigm of the world’s harmonious development. It is based on an integrated economy and rent incomes from planetary and intellectual resources held in planetary ownership. The Planetary Project provides solutions to globalisation problems caused by unrestrained economic growth and one-sided development of some national economies. The Planetary Project proposes a just system of world income distribution including rent revenues from planetary resources. This distribution system will work in the interests of all countries, including Asian and African countries, some of which experience serious socio-economic problems. New planetary economic resources and mechanisms will be able to: save the Earth’s biosphere; improve its ecology; and free humanity from hunger, epidemic diseases, and the threat of a Third World War. They will help people unite in the name of universal values of life, the harmony between civilisation and nature, and the welfare of present and future generations. Developing Planetary Project ideas could lead to creating a serious research tradition and a wide life-affirming and peace-loving social movement.


The author of this research monograph is Dr Aleksandr V. Bezgodov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, who holds a Ph.D. in Political Science and a Doctorate in Economics. Born in Northern Russia in 1960, Aleksandr Bezgodov worked for companies specialising in innovation and high technology, as well as for organisations engaged in developing parliamentary democracy and civil society. Over the last 10 years, he has been involved in interdisciplinary research in macroeconomics and social issues at the world level using a systemic approach. He is not only a theoretician but also a practical researcher and research administrator. He is involved in both developing and implementing research-based technologies. Aleksandr Bezgodov is the author of over fifty scholarly publications proposing new original economic and sociological solutions to business administration. He is the founder and General Director of the Institute of Planetary Development in Dubai, UAE. In line with its logo “Serving humanity”, the Institute develops and disseminates the ideas spelt out in the monograph “Planetary Project: From Sustainable Development to Managed Harmony”. The Institute’s research activity is intended to provide solutions to the world’s pressing economic, social, environmental, political-legal, and cultural problems.



Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Gift Certificate to the e-retailer of your choice
  • This giveaway begins August 21 and ends on August 31.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on September 1.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
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Book Blast: The Hard Bargain by David Tucker and Burton Spivak - Win a $25 Gift Card

Title: The Hard Bargain
Author: David Tucker and Burton Spivak
Publisher: XLibrisUS
Genre: Biography/Autobiography
Format: Ebook

The Hard Bargain describes in vivid detail and elegant prose the clash of wills between a famous father and his hard-driving middle son. Richard Tucker, the American superstar tenor from the golden age of the Metropolitan Opera, demanded that his son become a surgeon. Rejecting his father’s wishes, David wanted to follow his father onto the opera stage. Their struggle over David’s future—by turns hilarious and humiliating, wise and loving—is played out in medical and musical venues around the world. The father and son strike a bargain, the hard bargain of the title, which permitted both dreams to flicker for a decade until one (the right one, it turns out) bursts into sustaining flame. This heartfelt memoir about a son’s struggle against the looming power of a magnetic father is conveyed in a moving narrative that one reviewer has called “the most dramatic exploration of the private life of a legendary singer in the annals of opera literature.”



Dr. David N. Tucker is a retired ophthalmologist with degrees from Tufts University and the Cornell University Medical College. After an internship at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, he was a commissioned officer in the U.S. Public Health Service at the National Institutes of Health, doing research in infectious diseases during the Vietnam War. As chief resident under Dr. Edward Norton at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute in Miami, he accepted a one year fellowship with the eminent Colombian microsurgeon Dr. José Barraquer and with other prestigious ophthalmic surgeons in Europe. For over thirty years, Dr. Tucker was in private practice in Cincinnati and was the director of the Department of Ophthalmology at Cincinnati Jewish Hospital for twenty-seven years. After retiring in 2004, he taught part time as a clinical assistant professor of ophthalmology at the NYU School of Medicine. He and his wife Lynda celebrated their golden anniversary in 2013 and have four children and nine grandchildren. 
Burton Spivak received his PhD in American History at the University of Virginia where he was a Woodrow Wilson Fellow and a Virginia- Danforth Fellow, and taught at the University of Texas at Austin, Brown University, Bates College, and the University of Virginia. He is a former recipient of the Stuart L. Bernath Lecture Prize for outstanding achievement in teaching and scholarship, awarded annually by the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations. His book Jefferson’s English Crisis: Commerce, Embargo, and the Republican Revolution (Charlottesville, Virginia, 1979) was included in C-SPAN’s American Presidents: Life Portraits list of twenty-five recommended books on Thomas Jefferson. Spivak also received his JD degree from the University of Virginia where he was on the Law Review and Order of the Coif, and practiced tax law in New York City for many years. He currently is an Adjunct Professor of History at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut.


DAVID and burton are GIVING AWAY A $25 GIFT CARD!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Gift Certificate to the e-retailer of your choice
  • This giveaway begins August 21 and ends on August 31.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on September 1.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone! 


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