Interview with Ted Bagley, author of The Demolition of Democracy



Inside the Book:

Title: The Demolition of Democracy
Author: Ted Bagley
Publisher: XLibrisUS
Genre: Political Science
Format: Ebook/Paperback/Hardcover

This work is a synopsis of how I, from my research, feel that this current administration and its behavior, policies, and attack on the democratic foundation of the country could be the undoing of the US as we know it today.

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The Interview:

Can you please tell us about the book?
This book was written to educate people on the importance of participating in the voting process. We can no longer sit on the sidelines criticizing when we chose not to participate in the process. Having the wrong person sitting in the White House has long reaching effects on the direction of the country and how we are viewed by the outside world. For the first time in our lifetime we are not looked on favorably as the leader of the world. 

Who or what is the inspiration of the book?
The current failure of this Trump administration and the lack of participation in the downstream election at the state and local level.

What cause are you most passionate about?
Police reform. Primarily because of the number of unarmed black and brown people who are killed needlessly. 

Do you have a ritual when finishing a project?
No, not particularly.

Who has influenced you in your writing career?
Dr. Roosevelt Thomas, Daniel Coyle, Alex Haley and Vicky Stringer. 

What are your long term goals?
Total retirement and travelling once COVID-19 is over

Meet the Author:
The author is writing his fourth novel ,The Demolition of Democracy, to give substance to what he sees as a threat to the stability of our country by the current Trump administration.

Book Blast: The Waves of Life & Our Mind Game by Say Thu Varadewa



Inside the Book:

Title: The Waves of Life & Our Mind Game
Author: Say Thu Varadewa
Publisher: Partridge Singapore
Genre: Self-Help/Self-Management
Format: Paperback/Hardcover

Life itself is very simple; we make life complicated as we going through the phases of life. But we have to constantly remind ourselves that every beginning is the hardest. And we cannot control anything whatever happens in our life. But we can train ourselves to be used to the waves of life as it moves up and down just to keep flowing. And we have to realize that nothing is in control, everything happens for a reason. Being contented in life looks impossible, but, we can train our mind to be grateful for what we have. Staying strong and positive is the key to face rough rides of life because we are unaware what might come next in life. I aimed to help people like me who are looking for who they are as a person. It is simple and yet difficult to figure out if there is no proper way to discover one self. Sometimes, you may have everything in life but you are still feeling that something is missing within you. Well, that is exactly the point in life when we need to find our life purpose through self-discovery process. Life is like a big ocean and the ups and downs moments in life are like the waves in the ocean. If there is no up and down moments in life, we will never know who we are, how strong we are and how capable we are. These life waves help us to discover who we are as a person. Keep your journey unique and worthy because it has its own limit. Before the life limit expires, be who you want to be and do what you want to do in life. Inspire people around you to be better version of themselves and encourage people to be kind towards each other to create a beautiful world for everyone to live in.

Purchase Here

Meet the Author:

Say was born in 1993 in Myanmar(Burmar). Say is currently staying in Singapore. Say is a person who loves to stay positive in all the circumstances and loves to help people without expecting anything in return. Say is a registered nurse in Singapore who graduated from Parkway College (Diploma in Nursing, Singapore) & Griffith University of Queensland(Bachelor of Nursing and Master of health service management, Australia), Nanyang Polytechnic school of health and social sciences ( Advanced Diploma in Nursing). Say likes to reflect herself everyday for self-improvement and she found out a good way to learn from own experiences. For Say,writing is a way of communicating with people through her thinking and a way of showing to individual how to dream high and nothing is impossible if you have a will to change.

Say is giving away a $25 Gift Card!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Gift Certificate to the e-retailer of your choice
  • This giveaway begins August 17 and ends on August 28.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on August 29.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone! 


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Interview with Mauro Moro, author of Design Process


Title: Design Process
Author: Maura Moro
Publisher: PartridgeSingapore
Genre: Reference/General
Format: Ebook
My design process is not only a handbook full of useful tools and kits. It is also an act of love to design. It is a prayer for design to get back to its glory days when it made sense. It is an appeal to the younger designers! Don’t surrender to the status quo who wants you just as worker ants! Don’t lose your inner voice and your passion for design! Don’t get comfortable in the prevailing conformism! Ask! Seek! Find! Discover new ways, never settle against the pre-cooked solutions, predictable patterns and pre-set goals! Go beyond! Make the impossible!


Do you listen to music while writing? If so, what do you listen to?

Of Course! When possible, I always listen to music while writing. Depending on the subject I am writing, I choose the right background music to help me with my elaborations. My favourite music while writing is the Nocturnes of Chopin - Piano solos. I love these ones, and I am never tired to listen to. Another favourite is Dvorak Symphony n.9 From the New World. I love Janacek Sinfonietta. Another perfect selection is the Overtures of Gioacchino Rossini. So powerful and funny! Otherwise, I like to listen to Beethoven, Grieg, Shostakovich, Gerswhin, Prokoviev, Ravel, Camille Saint-Saëns, Rachmaninov, Aram Khachaturian, Hans Zimmer. 

In the alternative, a non-classical selection of music that inspires me while writing is Radiohead (In Rainbows album), Genesis (only the first 5 albums please!) and of course Pink Floyd (any album!).


Do you have any suggestions for upcoming writers?

Well, I am an upcome writer too! But with all my modesty, my only recommendation is to try not to annoy the readers: we live in a totally distracted society. We are not longer able to focus appropriately on what we do, in what we read. Therefore, my advice is to write something catchy, with humour, easy to read, light and with great potential to catch the attention of the readers. 


What is it you like to do when you are not reading/writing?

A lot of things: spend time with my sons and wife. Sketching, painting, playing my piano! Watch a good movie, better if in good company! Cook dinner for my family and friends! Have a walk into the green (if possible). Have some friends at home with a good bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon or Malbec.


Is there an author/authors that have inspired you?

I am not a very big reader. I wish I have more time for that. But I admire some writers, among Italo Calvino because he was a great observer and his unbelievable capacity of description! Another writer I admire is Jose Saramago for his prolific writing and for his abstraction! I admire them not only for their writing abilities but fundamental because they were free men, free to write what they thoughts and to live their way against the conformism of the status quo.


As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

You won't believe it, but I wanted to be a cook! My mother is a great cook! At home, we didn't need to get out to restaurants to have a great meal! I was fascinated by her cooking talent, and I wanted to emulate her! I remember to admire the cooking process and of course, I dreamed of becoming a great chef! Maybe it is because of that I always use cooking examples to explain the design!


 How do you/would you react to a bad review of your book?

With a smile. Firstly a bad review is still a review! That means somebody actually took the time for reading my text and my ideas pushed him/her to write back to me. And that is already positive! Secondly, I will take it as a challenge! I can only be confident with my ideas if I can defend them against any criticism, by using logic, argumentation and be as intellectually honest as possible. Now: a critic is always positive because it helps to reinforce your idea. A comment or opinion is something different, personal and subjective. Most of the times are not necessary to argue. Therefore we have to be wise enough to distinguish between critic reviews and simple opinions
