Book Feature: Four Score and More by LaVera Edick



Inside the Book:

Four Score and More

Title: Four Score and More 
Author: LaVera Edick 
Publisher: Trafford 
Genre: Biography 
Format: Ebook/Paperback

Statement from Author I was born in 1925. This is my story of growing up on a farm and following the oft-times bumpy road of life. It is the story of my family and ancestors, those pioneers who cut the trails and paved the roads for our journey through life. Several major events helped shape the lives and attitudes of those born before 1940. It was a struggle raising a family in the thirties: not only was the nation in a financial crisis, Mother Nature was in an ugly mood. When people reminisce, they often talk about the “good times” they had during the “bad times.” There was a shortage of money but an abundance of love and family togetherness. A product of hardy pioneer stock, at an early age, I gained satisfaction from a hard day’s work well done. From managing a trucking business and selling brushes, I became first lady of an insurance company and pursued my dreams of becoming an artist. Statement from Jackie Glen, editor: If your grandparents, great-grandparents and their relatives lived in the 1800’s and early 1900’s in the Midwest, you will want to read this book that describes in detail what life was like on the farm. Personal anecdotes about the author and her family will put you in stitches or bring you to tears, but every tale will cause you to wonder how our ancestors survived. Their stories of hard work, sacrifice, and determination not only will remind you of where you came from, but provide a road map of the future.

“Flanked by the colorful stories of several generations before and after her, Edick shares her life journey through the often turbulent, historically and personally, 20th century – a genuine, heartfelt memoir.” –US REVIEW of BOOKS

Meet the Author:

LaVera and her faithful canine companion, a Westie named Tousie, are snowbirds these days. They spend their summers in Bismarck, North Dakota, and winters in Mesa, Arizona.


Guest Post from Christiane Banks, author of Amelia's Prayer



Inside the Book:

Amelia's Prayer

Title: Amelia's Prayer 
Author: Christiane Banks 
Publisher: iUniverse 
Genre: Religious Fiction 
Format: Ebook/Hardcover/Paperback

Sebastian Lavalle is just fifteen when he leaves home in 1934 to join the navy. Seven years later, Sebastian unfortunately knows all too well about the horrors of World War II and what it is like to fear the unknown. When repairs force his ship to the rugged shore of Newcastle, the young French naval officer is invited to a tea dance to celebrate Bastille Day. He seizes the opportunity, hoping to find comfort and a small taste of the home he misses so much. Amelia Sullivan, the daughter of Irish immigrant parents is thrilled to be attending the tea dance. When Sebastian's eyes find her in the crowd, he drinks in her exotic beauty. Moments later as he draws her into his arms for a dance, there is no doubt in his mind that he has just met the woman of his dreams. Days later, Sebastian professes his love and marries her, sending them both on an unforgettable journey through betrayal, survival and forgiveness. The saga takes the reader from England's coast, to the French Riviera and also to America. Their soul searching journey explores the many facets and depths of love leading to the realization of what true happiness means.. Amelia's Prayer is a tender and moving saga spanning forty years after two young souls are flung together during World War II.  

Amelia's Prayer is available for order at

What inspired me to write Amelia’s Prayer is really quite difficult to pinpoint. Storytelling has always been a part of me—like the colour of my eyes or hair, part of my DNA. I cannot remember a time when I did not tell stories! As a child I was nicknamed chatterbox, I would wander out of the house, up the street, knocking on people’s doors asking if they would come out to play. We could sit on the wall and tell stories. It was not unusual for strangers to bring me home!
Most of my life I have thought about creating stories, poems, and sometimes plays--not always capable of executing the ideas that were formed within my mind for various different reasons; however, I was always able to tell the story. Amelia’s Prayer is a true work of love and passion.
Throughout my lifetime, I have been fortunate enough to meet some amazing human beings, either through life’s journey, my work, or within my own family, extended family and friends. I have had the privilege and the honour to listen to many voices, both young and old and wise over the years, often triggering myriad of ideas through my mind in various different forms, family members and my husband encouraging me to write a book.
Several years ago I was fortunate enough to be introduced to and author by the name of Joyce Holmes, who writes detective stories. I told Joyce of my interest in writing a book, and how I felt rather inexperienced. Joyce inspired me and helped me to understand that I was more than capable. We spent a lovely lazy afternoon on the balcony of her beautiful home in the mountains in Provence. I shall always be grateful to Joyce for validating my abilities. That afternoon she sent me away, waving goodbye and believing that I could indeed write a novel. As she waved to me her message was, “I shall see you at the book launch!”
Simplicity is the essence to a reader connecting to a story something we can all reach out to and identify with Amelia’s Prayer is a compilation of all of that life, love, family, betrayal, forgiveness, and ultimately unconditional love!

Meet the Author:

Christiane Banks lives in Ontario, Canada, with her husband. Amelia's Prayer, which took six years to write, is her debut novel.

Book Feature: I Made It! by Juana M. Ortiz

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Inside the Book:

I Made It
Title: I Made It
Author: Juana M. Ortiz
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Genre: Biography
Format: Ebook/Paperback
Author Juana Ortiz was born with cerebral palsy in the Dominican Republic, a country where prejudice against people with disabilities is strong. In I Made It, Ortiz shares the story of her experiences and struggles throughout her life, particularly her difficulties within the educational system. Through her writing, she seeks to address common misunderstandings that persist with regard to people with disabilities and their enrollment in school and to raise awareness regarding the inclusion of students with disabilities in mainstream classes throughout college. A tale of achieving goals that seemed unreachable, her personal narrative offers hope and inspiration to those looking to live their dreams. “While this book is both empowering and inspirational, it isn't about cerebral palsy. I Made It is meant to challenge the societal and cultural expectations that are placed on those living with disabilities. Through determination and an unyielding desire to live her life, the author offers a heartfelt glimpse into her life and how she overcame those barriers.” —Cathleen M. Capasso, Disability Advocate “I Made It is … an eloquent and honest account of overcoming cultural and disability related barriers … As the author writes, ‘following your butterflies.' Full of heart and wisdom, it is a glimpse into the beauty of the human spirit and one woman's determination to live her dreams.” —Carole Tonks, Executive Director Alliance Center for Independence

Meet the Author:

Juana M. Ortiz was born in the Dominican Republic and has had cerebral palsy since birth. She moved to the United States with her family when she was a teenager and received strong support from her parents, who worked hard to ensure she had a good quality of life. She currently lives in Hawthorne, New Jersey.

Guest Post from Gilles R.G. Monif, M.D. - author of The Prevention of Chron's Disease


Inside the Book:

The Prevention of Crohn's Disease
Title: The Prevention of Crohn's Disease
Author: Gilles R.G. Monif, M.D.
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Genre: Health
Format: Ebook
Prior to 1936, Crohn’s disease was a rare and unrecognized disease entity. Today, the United States is the midst of a rapidly growing epidemic. It is estimated that between 800,000 and 1.2 million citizens are currently afflicted. The unanswered question is WHY? In the 1990s, circumstantial scientific data inferred a potential causal relationship between Crohn’s disease in humans and mycobacterial pathogen in domestic animals, Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). When it was documented that MAP survived pasteurization and was potentially present in milk, infant formula, and powdered milk, a global precautionary alarm button should have been pushed by those who govern in the public trust. PREVENTION OF CROHN’S DISEASE describes MAP’s journey across the zoonotic bridge between animals and humans and the unique circumstances by which it allegedly produces disease.
The Prevention of Crohn's Disease is available for order at

The postulate that MAP could be the possible causative agent for Crohn’s disease had been in play for a decade before Congress move to fund research meant to determine whether or not this zoonotic mycobacterium constituted a threat to the public welfare. The fact that the destructive process was immune mediated constituted a formidable problem. The disease in cattle (Johne’s disease) and the diarrhea induced in immunocompromised individual are the consequence of organism/hosts interactions and not immune mediated.  To make MAP the cause of Crohn’s disease was very much the problem of a square peg confronted with a round hole. The circumstantial evidence that a relationship existed was too strong to abandon the MAP paradigm of causation.
Whether square peg could be made to fit was destroyed when Congress  gave the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) stewardship of determining the risk of MAP in milk and milk products to the public health. In contrast to the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USDA lacked the infrastructure to research a human disease entity.  USDA’s stated  objective is promotion and advancement of agribusiness . In 1996, when it was documented that MAP in milk survived pasteurization, USDA produced a publication that falsely asserted that pasteurization done in the United States did destroy MAP, Even though this paper was quickly discredited, the Food and Drug Administration cited this work in support of awarding  control of research funding to USDA. By so doing , Congress put the fox in charge of the hen house, but then locked it inside. The way to deal within an uncomfortable problem is to study it. That is precisely what USDA did . Using the rational, that the way to address the problem was to eradicate MAP within infected herds and to preclude its dissemination to uninfected herds. USDA initiated a volunteer demonstration dairy herd program and little else , The net result of USDA’s has been widespread dissemination of MAP among milk-producing animals and increased adulteration MAP of the food supply.
By warehousing the urgency of the problem and diverting research from medical to veterinary medicine, USDA effectively undermined Congress’ mandate for information that could form the basis for policy.
MAP is a very real problem for producers. MAP-infected animals produce less milk. Have lower slaughter weight, and somewhat poorer reproductive outcomes Control of MAP in the production area would be of benefit to producers, but too do so could have had negative consequence for those who use milk in manufacturing of selected food substances.

Meet the Author:
Gilles R. G. Monif, M.D. has served as Special Interest Consultant for Infectious Diseases to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. A world recognized leader in infectious diseases that affect women and their unborn infants, he co-founded the Infectious Disease Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology. His text book Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology, currently in its sixth edition, is the standing reference text for the discipline.


Book Blast: Welcome to the Empire by Mark Curto Sr. - Win a $25 Gift Card

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Inside the Book:

Welcome to the Empire

Title: Welcome to the Empire 
Author: Mark Curto Sr. 
Publisher: iUniverse 
Pages: 148 
Genre: Historic Fiction 
Format: Ebook

From the dawn of recorded time, death, hell, and mayhem have been the calling cards of a Destroyer, who leaves nothing but carnage and desolation in his path. Thousands of years in the future, nine-year-old Prince Marckolius witnesses a brutal assault on his mother by a group of ruthless vampires. Mortified when she dies in his arms and convinced that his uncle had something to do with the attack, Prince Marckolius vows to seek justice. After training diligently with his aunt for several years, seventeen-year-old Marckolius gathers his friends and embarks on a search for the truth behind the evil act. Initially driven by revenge, Marckolius matures to become the legend he is meant to be as he faces off against forces led by his uncle that have been plotting to enslave the last of the free nations within the known Multiverse. In this futuristic adventure, a battle of wills is instigated between two very powerful Destroyers, leaving the Multiverse to wonder what will be left when all is said and done.

Meet the Author:

Mark Curto Sr. considers writing a serious hobby. He and his wife have four children, three of whom are autistic. Instead of pets, they have a very large fish tank of platies. Mark and his family live in Ohio. This is the first book in a saga that blends science fiction and fantasy.


Mark is giving away a $25 Gift Card!

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  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Gift Certificate to the e-retailer of your choice
  • This giveaway begins June 27 and ends on July 8.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on July 9.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!

