The Gate House by Nelson DeMille


Reviewed by Tim Gleichner

About the book:

#1 New York Times bestselling author Nelson DeMille delivers the long-awaited follow-up to his classic novel The Gold Coast.

When John Sutter's aristocratic wife killed her mafia don lover, John left America and set out in his sailboat on a three-year journey around the world, eventually settling in London. Now, ten years later, he has come home to the Gold Coast, that stretch of land on the North Shore of Long Island that once held the greatest concentration of wealth and power in America, to attend the imminent funeral of an old family servant. Taking up temporary residence in the gatehouse of Stanhope Hall, John finds himself living only a quarter of a mile from Susan who has also returned to Long Island. But Susan isn't the only person from John's past who has reemerged: Though Frank Bellarosa, infamous Mafia don and Susan's ex-lover, is long dead, his son, Anthony, is alive and well, and intent on two missions: Drawing John back into the violent world of the Bellarosa family, and exacting revenge on his father's murderer--Susan Sutter. At the same time, John and Susan's mutual attraction resurfaces and old passions begin to reignite, and John finds himself pulled deeper into a familiar web of seduction and betrayal. In THE GATE HOUSE, acclaimed author Nelson Demille brings us back to that fabled spot on the North Shore -- a place where past, present, and future collides with often unexpected results.

Two phrases sum up my feelings about this book. The first would be the well know sports analogy "too little, too late". The second would be courtesy of Elvis Presley who asked for "a little less conversation, a little more action". Either one will do.

Now, to be fair, I didn't dislike this book. It's jus that a book that is nearly 700 pages long and has a Mafia Don looking to avenge his father's murder at the hands of his lover, who just happens to be the ex-wife of the main character, missed many chances to pump some life into the story.

The entire story comes to a climax in the last 30 pages or so, and that would be fine except that there is so much over written dialogue it takes 630 pages to get to that point.

Also, why take the time to develop a character like Mr. Nusim and imply that there may be terrorist danger, and then have nothing come of it.

And finally, while most things took quite awhie to develop, John and Susan got back together and decided to remarry after one meeting. I didn't get that at all.

"The Gate House" wasn't a bad book. Mr. DeMille would appear to be a talented writer whose style I quite enjoyed. In the end, the book was boring and even the big finish couldn't save it for me. It really was a case of too little, too late.

Thanks again to Miriam Parker of The Hatchette Book Group for sending me this book for review!

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The Gifted Gabaldon Sisters


Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing (October 1, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0446699217
ISBN-13: 978-0446699211

About the book:

When the four young Gabaldon sisters lost their mother, it was Fermina, the old Pueblo caretaker living in their house, who held them together with her love and protection. Upon her death, she promised the girls they would each receive a special gift, selected just for them. And as time passed, what she bestowed - hands that can heal, a skill for spinning stories, the ability to incite laughter, and the power to curse others - emerged, bringing both blessings and tragedy. now, twenty years later, unsure of whether the woman who had loved them so was a fairy godmother or a witch, the sisters delve into the patched and woven history of their family. Here shadowed secrets wait patiently to be released into the show the gifted Gabaldon sisters not only who their guardian really was, but the truth about themselves.

I was thrilled to receive a copy of this book from Miriam Parker, as I had heard such good things about it. I was initially intrigued because I heard that there was magic involved and to me there is something about books that have magic in them that just make me want to read them. And, although there was magic it was more in the storytellying than anything else.

"The Gifted Gabaldon Sisters" is the story of four sisters: Betty, Loretta, Rita, and Sophia. These girls all suffer the loss of their mother at a young age and the family housekeeper, Fermina, becomes the closest thing to a mother they have. She tells the girls that when she passes, they will each receive a special gift from her. And, they do. But, whether each gift is positive or negative remains to be seen. And what about Fermina - who was she to be able to bestow these gifts on her wards?

This story is told from the perspective of all four sisters, and although a less gifted author might have struggled to make this easy to read I found that Lorraine Lopez truly has a remarkable gift in being able to engage her readers and keep the stories from becoming muddled and hard to decipher.

This is the first book that I have read by Lorraine Lopez and I really enjoyed it. Books that focus around family are always my favorites, and this is one that I would highly recommend!

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Grit for the Oyster


About the authors:

Joanna Bloss is the author of God's Gifts for the Grad (Barbour, 2009) and has written for a variety of publications including Today's Christian Woman and Discipleship Journal. She is a certified personal trainer, graphic artist, and currently working towards her master's degree in clinical psychology. She lives in the Midwest with her four children. Keep up with her busy life at

Debora M. Coty is a seasoned raconteur (storyteller), a raqueteer (tennis player) and a racketician (loud laughter). Also a freelance writer and newspaper columnist, she’s had over eighty works published in international magazines, newspapers, trade journals and anthologies. You can visit her webwsite at

Suzanne Woods Fisher is a wife, mother, writer, lifelong student of the Bible, raiser of puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind, a gardener and a cook...the latter two with sporadic results. A former contributing editor to Christian Parenting Today magazine, Suzanne's work has appeared in many magazines. Her first novel, Copper Star, a World War II love story, received three literary awards. Since then, she has published two more books and has five books under contract. Suzanne is a popular retreat speaker and teaches Precepts at her church. Find Suzanne on-line at:

Faith Tibbetts McDonald, a former contributing editor to Christian Parenting Today magazine, a newspaper columnist, freelance writer, professional speaker, and lecturer at Pennsylvania State University, received the Reader’s Pick award for an article published in Today’s Christian Woman magazine. Faith has contributed to numerous books including Women Ask, Women Answer: Questions Women Long to Ask, Answers They Need to Know (Thomas Nelson, 2008). Faith lives with her husband and three children in Pennsylvania. Visit Faith on Facebook.

About the book:

A powerful motivator for aspiring writers, Grit for the Oyster offers wit, wisdom, and inspiration to take that first step and persevere through the writing journey. More than a how-to, this confidence-building book is designed to draw readers to a closer relationship with God, to affirm their calling to write, and to offer pithy practical guidance from successful writers like Terri Blackstock, Martha Bolton, James Scott Bell, Liz Curtis Higgs, Dr. Gary Chapman, and Kavid Kopp.


GRIT FOR THE OYSTER VIRTUAL BOOK TOUR '08 will officially begin on November 3 and end on November 26. You can visit the authors' blog stops at in November to find out more about their latest book!As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comments on our authors' blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they become available. The winner(s) will be announced on November 30!

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Scattered Leaves by Richard E. Roach


About the author:
Suspense/Mystery author Richard Roach was born in 1931 in Galveston, Texas. Short stories of his have been published in Man’s Story 2, Happy 2007, Vol. 20 and Bibliophilos 2006, Vol. 42. His first novel, Scattered Leaves, hit the book stores on September 1, ’08, and his second novel, Scattered Money, will be published in 2009.
You can visit his website at
About the book:
When Ben McCord comes home from a business trip to find his young wife raped and murdered, he starts out on a journey of death and destruction.Clues lead him to a dark world of drugs and violence in action that spans Texas, Colorado, and the Mexican border. McCord hooks up with a beautiful doctor, who was also victimized by members of the same drug cartel, and together they track down the killers, surviving bloody confrontations, and ending with a suspenseful climax in the Big Thicket of Texas.

SCATTERED LEAVES VIRTUAL BOOK TOUR '08 will officially begin on November 3 and end on November 26. You can visit Richard's blog stops at in November to find out more about his latest book!As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comments on our authors' blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they become available. The winner(s) will be announced on November 30!

Lighting the Dark Side by William R. Potter

About the author:

"I was born in the late 60's in a suburb of Vancouver, Canada called Burnaby, and haven't moved far from home over the years.
My very active childhood imagination and knack for making up stories often got me into trouble. Perhaps this is where all writers get started? Shortly after watching the first remake of King Kong, around the age of ten or eleven, I decided to write a "book." I remember something about a monster crab attacking Vancouver.

Throughout my teens my mind was in a state of unrest and I used poetry to journal the ups and downs of those difficult times. Later, my work was published in a poetry anthology.
I returned to my love of storytelling in my twenties, writing numerous short stories; and now at forty, I am re-working two full-length novel manuscripts for publishing. Many more book ideas are at the researching and outline stage, keeping me busy at the PC.
When I'm not writing or working I am playing with my two children, aged three and five."

You can visit his website here.

I have to admit I wasn't sure what to think of this book. I am not always the biggest fan of short stories but I don't want to be considered a book snob so I do read them every now and then. It's books like this that make me wonder why I don't read them more often.

First of all, let me start by saying that I absolutely love the cover. Although a simple picture, it is a classic look and depicts the essence of the book. "Lighting the Dark Side: Six Modern Tales" is not an easy light hearted read. It delves deep into the human psyche and shows the dark side - a side we don't always want to admit is there.

I honestly don't think I can pick a favorite as they all contain such well developed (although not always likeable) characters and storylines. The thing that I enjoyed the most is that the writing has such feeling and you can relate to each and every story...even the dark sides of them.

About the book:
Lighting The Dark Side is an anthology of short fiction including three novellas and three shorter works.

The Stories

Bent, Not Broken.
An obsessive compulsive man falls in love; however, his disorder puts a severe strain on the relationship. Jealousy, low self-esteem, anxiety, and an increasing sense of violence engulf him until he pushes his new love away and falls into old habits of avoidance.

In the Gray.
A seemingly mundane phone call between a grown son and his mother uncovers the reality of one man's life. Tragedy interrupts the call seconds before the man can speak his truth and free his mind of decades of bitter animosity.

Prominent Couple Slain.
A former big city police detective is weary of the horrors of homicide investigation. A few weeks after transferring to a small town police service he faces the brutality of murder once again when a prominent couple is found dead.

May 18, 2010.
Growing pandemonium over the approach of an earth-grazing comet called Ivan is the backdrop for a man who is given numerous chances to make amends with his loved ones.

Blessing or Curse?
Who wouldn't enjoy winning the lottery? One man's million dollar windfall becomes a curse when his son is abducted and held for ransom. Along with three friends, he takes up arms in a frantic effort to rescue his kidnapped child.

Surviving the Fall.
A man with compassion for desperate souls meets a young street girl. Sickened by her life story, he impulsively offers her his couch for the night and then feels unable to send her away. The comfort the two find in their unorthodox relationship is short-lived; shattered by violence as the girl's past catches up to her.

THE LIGHTING THE DARK SIDE VIRTUAL BOOK TOUR '08 will officially begin on November 3 and end on November 26. You can visit William's blog stops at in November to find out more about his latest book!As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comments on our authors' blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they become available. The winner(s) will be announced on November 30!

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We Interrupt This Broadcast

About the Book:

Where Were You When…?

Few phrases garner as much attention as “We Interrupt This Broadcast…” Wherever we may happen to be, our lives stop for a moment, and we experience those few seconds of anxiety between the interruption and the actual announcement of what has happened.

In words and images-and on two audio CDs-We Interrupt This Broadcast brings to life the famous and infamous moments that were announced to us with those four chilling words. From the dawn of electronic media to today, from the catastrophe of the Hindenburg to the tragic events of September 11, 2001, these are the forty-three events that stopped us in our tracks and changed our world.

We Interrupt This Broadcast recounts the details of the events and spotlights the photographs that tell the stories. Accompanying the book are two digitally mastered compact discs containing over two hours of audio from the events, narrated by award-winning journalist Bill Kurtis.

These heart-stopping moments include both the famous words you remember and rare audio footage that will take you back into the magnitude of the event. Share with your friends, family, children and grandchildren your memories of where you were when the world stopped and held its breath in anticipation.


I wasn't really sure what to expect when I received this book, but was anxious to read it and listen to the audio that accompanied it. I don't follow the news often but this book made me feel as if I was right there - it's so much different when you have the audio to go along with the story. You truly get a sense of the event that just reading about it does not do.

I wasn't alive during many of these events, and was too young to remember some of them. I was never a fan of history in high school or college, but using a tool such as this may have made all the difference. I enjoyed speaking to family members after reading about some of these events, to gauge their reactions. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in learning a little more about a lot of the most historic events to date.

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The Bible Illuminated

Let me first start off by saying that I have never read the Bible. I have browsed through it, and read passages but truly it seems like a stuffy piece of work (sorry if this offends, it is just my humble opinion). That is part of the reason why I signed up to see this version, all I had to do was see the cover to know that this was something totally new and innovative...and it did not disappoint.

The glossy pages and descriptive pictures are inviting, and are sure to draw in a new crowd of people who may not have been willing to read the Bible previously. I know there will be many critics but that's ok too - to each their own. The pictures add such depth to something that, less face it, is not an easy read. I only had an issue with one of the pictures, the one of a child holding a handgun. I wasn't sure exactly how this was supposed to fit in - I didn't think it was appropriate for this book, or any really.

Overall, I think this is an excellent tool to draw a "new" crowd to a very old book, and might make it easier for the churches to bring in the youth. Definetely worth checking out.

Thanks again to Lisa Roe for inviting me to be part of this endeavor!

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Dead Ringer by Mary Burton


  • Paperback: 384 pages

  • Publisher: Zebra October 28, 2008

  • Language: English

  • ISBN-10: 1420100270

  • ISBN-13: 978-1420100273

  • To purchase, click here.

  • Book Synopsis:

    Beside each body, he leaves a simple charm bearing a woman's name. Ruth. Martha. Judith. The victims were strangers to each other, but they have been chosen with the utmost care. Each bears a striking resemblance to Kendall Shaw, a local anchorwoman...each brutally strangled by a madman whose obsession will never end...

    In front of the cameras, Kendall is the picture of stylish confidence. But at night she's haunted by nightmares in which she is young, alone, and filled with fear. Are these memories-or omens? Despite warnings from Richmond Detective Jacob Warwick, Kendall can't stop investigating the recent string of murders. She knows she holds the key to catching an obsessed psychopath-if he doesn't get to her first...

    The deeper Kendall and Jacob dig into the victims' backgrounds, the more terrifying the discoveries. For from the shadows of the past, a legacy of evil has resurfaced. Every murder, every moment has been leading to Kendall. And this time, nothing will stop the killer making her his final victim...

    Jacob Warwick and Kendall Shaw have a past - a past both of them are trying desparetly to put behind them. Connected through a serial killer dubbed The Guardian, both of them are emotionally scarred and not willing to open up to anyone. When Jacob gets called to the scene of a murder, the resemblance of the victim to Kendall is obvious. He doesn't put too much thought into it, he has a lot on his plate and thoughts of Kendall are something he has tried to bury for awhile now, no matter how hard it is. It just so happens that Kendall is ready for some action and is sick of being an anchorwoman sitting behind a desk dishing out the news. She is popular with the public, and her boss decides to take a chance and send her out to try and get a lead on the murder. Sparks fly between Jacob and Kendall, but due to the situation and their respective jobs emotions are mixed and they do their best to avoid each other.

    Another murder is reported, and at this point it is painfully obvious that both of these victims look like Kendall...and that she is in danger. Jacob does his best to keep her safe, but is his best going to be good enough? With many plot twists, and an ending that would make Hitchkock proud, Ms. Burton has a way of making even the most minor character come to life. I will make sure to read her first book as well - I'M WATCHING YOU. This is one author that is now on the top of my list for must reads. Wonderful!

    About the Author:

    MARY BURTON’s southern family has always enjoyed tall tales and a good yarns. Early on, MB realized that Story had tremendous power to inspire strong responses such fear, laughter, love and even sorrow. It didn’t matter if the tale was found in the pages of a book, spoken in hushed tones around a Girl Scout campfire, or spouted at an old fashioned southern family reunion. This appreciation of story motivated MB to earn an English degree from Virginia’s Hollins University.

    After decade of working in marketing and sales, MB became convinced she could write and sell one of the many stories buzzing around her brain. Fingers crossed, MB left the marketing profession and devoted all her spare time to writing a novel. Soon after, she sold her first manuscript to Harlequin Historicals. Since that initial sale, MB had written twelve historical romances for Harlequin Historicals, four short romantic suspenses for Silhouette Romantic Suspense and a non-fiction book The Insider’s Guide to Direct Marketing. Her first single title romantic suspense for Zebra I’m Watching You is a December 2007 release.

    In 2005, The Unexpected Wife was a finalist Romance Writers of America’s RITA contest and Wise Moves was 2006 nominee for the Romantic Times’ Critics Choice Award. I’m Watching You received critical acclaim from New York Times Best Selling author Carla Neggers who said, “Taut, compelling and emotional, I’m Watching You is romantic suspense at its most riveting. Mary Burton delivers a page-turner.”

    MB resides in Virginia where she enjoys yoga, cooking, hiking and the occasional triathlon.

    For more info, please visit

    The House On Tradd Street by Karen White


    About the book:

    Practical-minded Charleston realtor Melanie Middleton hates to admit that she can see ghosts—even to herself. But now she’s going to have to accept it. Because an old man she met only days ago has died, leaving Melanie his historic Tradd Street home, complete with housekeeper, dog—and a family of ghosts anxious to tell her something…

    Enter Jack Trenholm, a gorgeous writer obsessed with unsolved mysteries. He has reason to believe that some diamonds that went missing from the Confederate Treasury a century ago are hidden in Melanie’s new home. So he decides to turn the charm on with the new tenant, only to discover that he’s suddenly the smitten one...

    But it turns out that Jack’s search has caught the attention of a possibly malevolent ghostly presence. Now, Jack and Melanie must unravel a mystery of passion, heartbreak, and even murder. And they must hurry, for an evil force—either dead or alive—lies in wait…

    This is the first book of Karen White's that I have read, but I can tell you I am going to try and get my hand on her others - this was a fantastic story. This book is part romance, part ghost story, and part mystery, but is woven in a way as there is no way to distinguish between them.

    I have never been to South Carolina - this is a part of the country that I have always wanted to visit, and after this read she has ignited that passion even more. The description of the architecture, and the home that Melanie inherits from Mr. Vanderhorst were superb, I felt as if I was standing inside and could view every minute detail. Unfortunately, Melanie is not so thrilled. It comes as a shock to her that this house has been left to her, after all she has just met the owner 2 days prior while trying to talk to him about selling - even though she is not particularly fond of old houses (she doesn't really like them at all), it is the type of real estate sale she specializes in.

    Melanie is not only left the house, but the funds to start the renovations...and there are quite a few of them that need to take place. She can refuse to accept the home, but if she does accept it she has to live in it for at least a year before she decides to sell (if she does). Even though it is not her cup of tea, she decides to accept the house and see what happens.

    In walks Jack Trenholm. Jack is a writer that suspects there is a treasure hidden in the house. He volunteers to help Melanie with the remodeling but his intentions are completely noble - he is hoping to uncover something in the process. Before he knows what has happened, his feelings for Melanie have become quite strong and the house falls to the background.

    But, there is something in the house that isn't happy to have them there. A spirit...but of who? Mrs. Vanderhorst, whose disappeared many years before with no information as to what happened?

    This is a great read and is sure to please!

    About the author:

    Karen White marries her passion for Charleston, the architecture of the area, and its history and legends in her new novel THE HOUSE ON TRADD STREET, the story of a real estate agent who, though she specializes in homes in the city’s historic area, detests them. To do so, Karen had to conjure up and face a universal horror—renovation. Unlike her recent book, The Memory Of Water, for which she physically confronted her lifelong fear of deep water for the sake of research, this time out she enjoyed a metaphorical wallow in the joys associated with restoring a one hundred and fifty year old house and garden and let her characters deal with the pain.

    White’s protagonists face everything from a leaky roof, old fountains, and cracked cornices to overgrown flowerbeds, paint chipped ceilings, disintegrating plaster and warped floorboards. For herself she saved the best. Her research included luxurious strolls on the streets of Charleston, sampling and choosing restaurants such as Magnolias, Gaulart & Malicelet, Cru Café, Blossom and Anson for her characters to enjoy. Rumor has it she also did a bit of shopping at RTW on King Street and spent an afternoon on the Battery visiting White Point Gardens. Relishing the architecture and choosing among Victorians, Federals, Colonial Revivals, Queen Anne, Dutch Colonials and others, along with the amazing range of colors and appointments, Karen eventually placed the house at the center of her story at “55 Tradd Street” in the downtown historic district and, inspired by an actual house on that street, imagined it as a Federal style single family home.

    Italian and French by ancestry, a southerner and a story teller by birth, White has moved around quite a bit in her life. Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, she has also lived in Texas, New Jersey, Louisiana, Georgia, Venezuela and England, where she attended the American School in London. She returned to the states for college and graduated from New Orleans’ Tulane University. Hailing from a family with roots firmly set in Mississippi (the Delta and Biloxi), White notes that “searching for home brings me to the south again and again.” She and her family now live near Atlanta.

    It was love at first sight when White first visited Charleston and South Carolina’s lowcountry in 1995. She says it was “inevitable” that she would set several novels in the area, as she did with 2005’s The Color of Light, which Booklist praises as “an accomplished novel about loss and renewal.” Three years later, she returned to the there with The Memory Of Water and, now, to Charleston with THE HOUSE ON TRADD STREET. Her love of the southern coast shows no sign of abating. Her next novel, The Lost Hours (May 09) is set in and around Savannah.

    Karen White’s work has appeared on the South East Independent Booksellers best sellers list. Her recent novel The Memory of Water, was the Borders Books and Atlanta & Company’s Book Club Selection for May, topped off at the end of the month with their live, television interview with Karen. The Memory of Water, which is well reviewed in Atlanta Magazine and an array of other print and online book media, and was adopted by numerous independent booksellers as a book club recommendation and as a featured title in their store. It’s been back to press five times since its March 2008 publication, the first time within its first four weeks on sale. It is one of NAL/Accent’s fastest selling titles.

    Adding to the excitement of The Memory of Water’s March 2008 debut, was the resounding, continued recognition achieved by White’s 2007 novel Learning to Breathe. This spring Learning to Breathe was honored with a National Readers’ Choice Award, the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence, and the Virginia Romance Writers HOLT Medallion. It was also named a finalist for the Romance Writers of America’s Award for Best Novel, the Colorado Romance Writers Award of Excellence and the Georgia Author of the Year Award.

    White credits years spent listening to adults visiting in her grandmother’s Mississippi kitchen, sharing stories and gossiping while she played under the table, with starting her on the road to telling her own tales. The deal was sealed in the seventh grade when she skipped school and read Gone With The Wind. She knew—just knew—she was destined to grow up to be either Scarlet O’Hara or a writer.

    In addition to THE HOUSE ON TRADD STREET, White’s previous novels include Learning to Breathe, Pieces of the Heart, and The Color of Light.

    THE HOUSE ON TRADD STREET VIRTUAL BOOK TOUR '08 will officially begin on November 3 and end on November 26. You can visit Karen's blog stops at in November to find out more about her latest book!As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comments on our authors' blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they become available. The winner(s) will be announced on our main blog at on November 30!

    Lost and Found winners are...

    Sorry that this post is late - it has been one of those weekends. But here you go, the winners are:

    Huguette E.
    Blue Tourmaline
    Pams Pride

    Could you all please contact me at novelnoise(at)live(dot)com with your full mailing address so I can get these out to you? To the rest of you, please stay tuned for more giveaways!

    Blackbird, Farewell by Robert Greer Book Spotlight


    About the author:

    Robert is a native of Columbus, Ohio, who spent his formative years in the steel mill town of Gary, Indiana. He graduated from Miami University at Oxford, Ohio, in 1965 with a Bachelor of Arts degree and subsequently earned degrees in dentistry, medicine and pathology from Howard University and Boston University. He is a professor of pathology, medicine, surgery, and dentistry at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center where he specializes in head and neck pathology and cancer research. He also holds a masters degree in Creative Writing from Boston University and an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Miami University, his alma mater. Greer has lived in Denver for thirty years. In 1986 he founded The High Plains Literary Review and continues to serve as its editor-in-chief. He is the author or co-author of three medical textbooks and over 125 scientific articles. His short stories have appeared in dozens of national literary magazines and his short story collection, ISOLATION AND OTHER STORIES, published in 2000 by The Davies Group Publishers, sold out its hardback printings and is now in trade paperback.

    Greer has been involved in cancer research at the University of Colorado Health Science Center for more than thirty years. In 1983 his research group was the first in the world to report a synergistic link between smokeless tobacco use and human papillomaviruses in certain cancers of the mouth. That research foundation is the basis for the plot of THE DEVIL'S HATBAND.

    In addition to writing, medicine, and research, Greer reviews books for a Denver National Public Radio affiliate, KUVO, and raises cattle on his ranch near Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

    You can visit Robert on the web at

    About the book:
    Shandell “Blackbird” Bird has everything going for him, or so he thinks. Recently selected number two overall in the NBA draft, the six foot eight, 250-pound superstar has a gleaming new ride and a salary and athletic shoe contract that make him an instant millionaire. What he doesn’t have, is the ability to bury secrets from his past.

    When Shandell is found shot to death midcourt, his best friend and college teammate Damion Madrid sets out to find the killer. Damion is well-meaning but naïve; luckily his godfather is gumshoe CJ Floyd. Floyd and his partner, Flora Jean Benson, are there to watch his back as Damion stumbles down a shadowy trail that leads to Shandell’s purported peddling of steroids and big-game point shaving. When he discovers a “Blackbird” he never knew and is able to put a face on Shandell’s killer, Damion finds himself in over his head. Will CJ be there in time to preven this godson from joining Shandell? Featuring the vivid characters and streetwise dialogue that have made the CJ Floyd series a critical and commercial success, Blackbird, Farewell is a punch-packing whodunit that exposes the dark side of the pro-athlete good life.

    FAREWELL, BLACKBIRD VIRTUAL BOOK TOUR '08 will officially begin on November 3 and end on November 26. You can visit Robert's blog stops at in November to find out more about her latest book!

    As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comments on our authors' blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they become available. The winner(s) will be announced on November 30!

    USA Today Top Selling Books Meme

    S. Krishna Books decided to turn USA TODAY's Best-Selling Books of Last 15 Years into a meme. Let's see how I do.

    So here's the deal: bold what you've read, italicize what you own, star books on your TBR list!

    1 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - J.K. Rowling, art by Mary GrandPre
    2 Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution - Robert C. Atkins
    3 The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
    4 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - J.K. Rowling, art by Mary GrandPre
    5 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - J.K. Rowling, art by Mary GrandPre
    6 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - J.K. Rowling, art by Mary GrandPre
    7 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - J.K. Rowling, art by Mary GrandPre
    8 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - J.K. Rowling, art by Mary GrandPre
    9 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - J.K. Rowling, art by Mary GrandPre
    10 Who Moved My Cheese? - Spencer Johnson
    11 The South Beach Diet - Arthur Agatston
    12 Tuesdays With Morrie - Mitch Albom
    13 Angels & Demons - Dan Brown*
    14 What to Expect When You're Expecting - Heidi Murkoff, Arlene Eisenberg, Sandee Hathaway
    15 The Purpose-Driven Life - Rick Warren
    16 The Five People You Meet in Heaven - Mitch Albom*
    17 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey
    18 The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini
    19 Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus - John Gray
    20 The Secret - Rhonda Byrne*
    21 Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert T. Kiyosaki with Sharon L. Lechter
    22 To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
    23 Don't Sweat the Small Stuff ... And It's All Small Stuff - Richard Carlson
    24 The Secret Life of Bees - Sue Monk Kidd
    25 Eat, Pray, Love - Elizabeth Gilbert*
    26 Twilight - Stephenie Meyer
    27 The Notebook - Nicholas Sparks
    28 The Memory Keeper's Daughter - Kim Edwards
    29 The Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger
    30 Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden
    31 A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle
    32 Oh, the Places You'll Go! - Dr. Seuss
    33 The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz
    34 Angela's Ashes - Frank McCourt
    35 The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold
    36 Body-for-Life - Bill Phillips, Michael D’Orso
    37 New Moon - Stephenie Meyer
    38 Night - Elie Wiesel, translations by Marion Wiesel and Stella Rodway
    39 Chicken Soup for the Soul - Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen
    40 The Greatest Generation - Tom Brokaw
    41 Breaking Dawn - Stephenie Meyer
    42 The Celestine Prophecy - James Redfield
    43 Wicked - Gregory Maguire*
    44 Good to Great - Jim Collins
    45 Eclipse - Stephenie Meyer
    46 Eragon - Christopher Paolini*
    47 Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood - Rebecca Wells
    48 Your Best Life Now - Joel Osteen
    49 In the Kitchen With Rosie - Rosie Daley
    50 Simple Abundance - Sarah Ban Breathnach
    51 A Child Called It - Dave Pelzer
    52 A Million Little Pieces - James Frey*
    53 The Testament - John Grisham*
    54 Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul - Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Kimberly Kirberger
    55 Deception Point - Dan Brown
    56 The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho*
    57 Marley & Me - John Grogan*
    58 Dr. Atkins' New Carbohydrate Gram Counter - Robert C. Atkins
    59 Life of Pi - Yann Martel*
    60 The Brethren - John Grisham
    61 The South Beach Diet Good Fats Good Carbs Guide - Arthur Agatston
    62 The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town - John Grisham
    63 For One More Day - Mitch Albom
    64 The Polar Express - Chris Van Allsburg
    65 The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
    66 The Last Lecture - Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
    67 What to Expect the First Year - Arlene Eisenberg, Heidi Murkoff, Sandee Hathaway
    68 Love You Forever - Robert Munsch, art by Sheila McGraw
    69 Green Eggs and Ham - Dr. Seuss
    70 A Painted House - John Grisham
    71 The Rainmaiker - John Grisham
    72 Skipping Christmas - John Grisham
    73 Cold Mountain - Charles Frazier*
    74 The Curious Incident of the Dog In the Night-Time - Mark Haddon*
    75 Life Strategies - Phillip C. McGraw
    76 Seabiscuit: An American Legend - Laura Hillenbrand
    77 The Summons - John Grisham
    78 Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil - John Berendtt
    79 The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien
    80 The Runaway Jury - John Grisham
    81 Goodnight Moon Board Book - Margaret Wise Brown, art by Clement Hurd
    82 The Perfect Storm - Sebastian Junger*
    83 Snow Falling on Cedars - David Guterson*
    84 The Giver - Lois Lowry*
    85 Embraced by the Light - Betty J. Eadie
    86 The Chamber - John Grisham
    87 You: On A Diet - Michael F. Roizen, Mehmet C. Oz
    88 The Prayer of Jabez - Bruce Wilkinson*
    89 Holes - Louis Sachar*
    90 Digital Fortress - Dan Brown
    91 The Shack - William P. Young*
    92The Devil Wears Prada - Lauren Weisberger*
    93 Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen*
    94 A Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini*
    95 The Seat of the Soul - Gary Zukav
    96 Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul - Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Jennifer Read Hawthorne, Marci Shimoff
    97 The Partner - John Grisham
    98 Lord of the Flies - William Golding
    99 Eldest: Inheritance, Book II - Christopher Paolini
    100 The Broker - John Grisham
    101 The Street Lawyer - John Grisham
    102 A Series of Unfortunate Events No. 1: The Bad Beginning - Lemony Snicket*
    103 The Poisonwood Bible - Barbara Kingsolver
    104 Into the Wild - Jon Krakauer
    105 The King of Torts - John Grisham
    106 The Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell
    107 The Horse Whisperer - Nicholas Evans*
    108 Hannibal - Thomas Harris
    109 The Audacity of Hope - Barack Obama
    110 Running With Scissors - Augusten Burroughs
    111 The Glass Castle: A Memoir - Jeannette Walls
    112 My Sister's Keeper - Jodi Picoult
    113 The Last Juror - John Grisham
    114 The Devil in the White City - Erik Larson*
    115 Left Behind - Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins
    116 America (The Book) - Jon Stewart and The Writers of The Daily Show
    117 The Red Tent - Anita Diamant*
    118 John Adams - David McCullough
    119 The Christmas Box - Richard Paul Evans
    120 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - Ann Brashares*
    121 Sugar Busters! - H. Leighton Steward, Sam S. Andrews, Morrison C. Bethea, Luis A. Balart
    122 Blink - Malcolm Gladwell*
    123 The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle
    124 90 Minutes in Heaven: A True Story of Death and Life - Don Piper, Cecil Murphey
    125 The Fellowship of the Ring - J.R.R. Tolkien
    126 1776 - David McCullough
    127 The Bridges of Madison County - Robert James Waller*
    128 Where the Heart Is - Billie Letts
    129 The Ultimate Weight Solution - Phillip C. McGraw
    130 Protein Power - Michael R. Eades, Mary Dan Eades
    131 Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul - Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Jennifer Read Hawthorne, Marci Shimoff
    132 Into Thin Air - Jon Krakauer*
    133 Middlesex - Jeffrey Eugenides
    134 Three Cups of Tea - Greg Mortenson, David Oliver Relin
    135 You: The Owner's Manual - Michael F. Roizen, Mehmet C. Oz
    136 1,000 Places to See Before You Die: A Traveler’s Life List - Patricia Schultz*
    137 Self Matters - Phillip C. McGraw
    138 She's Come Undone - Wally Lamb
    139 1984 - George Orwell
    140 The Chronicles of Narnia - C.S. Lewis*
    141 The Millionaire Next Door - Thomas J. Stanley, William D. Danko
    142 The Other Boleyn Girl - Philippa Gregory*
    143 The Zone - Barry Sears, Bill Lawren
    144 The Pilot's Wife - Anita Shreve*
    145 The Lost World Michael Crichton
    146 Atonement - Ian McEwan*
    147 He's Just Not That Into You - Greg Behrendt, Liz Tuccillo
    148 Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
    149 The World Is Flat - Thomas L. Friedman
    150 Cross - James Patterson

    Against Medical Advice by James Patterson and Hal Friedman

    Hardcover: 304 pages
    Publisher: Little, Brown and Company; 1 edition (October 1, 2008)
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 0316024759
    ISBN-13: 978-0316024754

    About the book:

    Cory Friedman woke up one morning when he was five years old with the uncontrollable urge to twitch his neck. From that day forward his life became a hell of irrepressible tics and involuntary utterances, and Cory embarked on an excruciating journey from specialist to specialist to discover the cause of his disease. Soon it became unclear what tics were symptoms of his disease and what were side effects of the countless combinations of drugs. The only certainty is that it kept getting worse. Simply put: Cory Friedman's life was a living hell.

    AGAINST MEDICAL ADVICE is the true story of Cory and his family's decades-long battle for survival in the face of extraordinary difficulties and a maddening medical establishment. It is a heart-rending story of struggle and triumph with a climax as dramatic as any James Patterson thriller.

    I must admit, the story itself is heart wrenching. I'm sure anyone who reads this book will feel a small sense of the desperation and despair that the Friedman's felt for the best part of 13 years.

    And the courage shown by the entire family in general, and by Cory specifically, shows what special people they are. To even share the story at all took an enormous amount of courage, and for that they are to be commended.

    With all that said though, I personally had a hard time reading this book. While I understand the need to explain the behaviors, "tics" as they are called, since they are central to the story itself, I felt it was over explained and made the book drag and become difficult to read.

    Also, I didn't feel it was necessary to spend as much time as was devoted to medications. Again, while some of that information was certainly necessary, I felt it was discussed too much.

    "Against Medical Advice" isn't a bad book. It surely is a triumph of the spirit and I applaud the Friedmans for having the courage to share this very intimate journey with us all. The writing, as always, is fantastic, and although the details bored me at times it is no fault of the authors. This book just wasn't for me.

    Immortal Warrior by Lisa Hendrix


    Paperback: 352 pages
    Publisher: Berkley (November 4, 2008)
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 0425224546
    ISBN-13: 978-0425224540
    Product Dimensions: 6.8 x 4.3 x 1 inches

    About the book:

    He came to England in search of treasure. Two hundred years later, he's found her...

    Ivar Graycloak is a brave warrior, a man known for his strength and integrity. He is also a man with a terrible secret. Long ago he was part of a Viking crew cursed by an evil sorceress to live for eternity as a were-creatures. An eagle by day and a man by night, Ivar has lived a solitary existence for over two centuries. Then the king orders him to marry.

    Lady Alaida is everything a man could want in a bride - intelligent, spirited, and beautiful - and their wedding night is a balm to Ivar's lonely spirit. Then a seer brings him word of a dark vision, one that makes Ivar vow to stay away from his lovely wife forever. But now that Ivar has sampled Alaida's passion, her humor and warmth, he is enthralled. His traitorous body - his very heart - longs for that which he can never possess.

    Lady Alaida may surprise him yet, though, for she has a power of her own - a power that will either destroy everything they hold dear or ultimately set them free...

    This is my favorite type of book, so I was thrilled at the opportunity to be able to review it for Lisa's virtual book tour. Two hundred years ago, a crew of Vikings were cursed by an evil sorceress. Their curse? To spend their days in animal form and their nights in human form. Each viking handles this curse differently, but for Ivo, he feels he may have been given the chance at a somewhat normal life.

    After years of fighting, he goes to the king once again for payment. But this time, instead of asking for money he asks for land, and with it comes Lady Alaida. The king orders him to take Lady Alaida as his bride, and even though Ivo knows that there is no way this will last he is willing to give it a shot.

    During the day he is an eagle, but at night he is the type of man many women dream of...women including Lady Alaida. But their happiness is not meant to last, treachery abounds, and there is not much for Ivo to do as his days are spent in his eagle form.

    Lisa Hendrix has written a book that will enthrall it's readers from the first page. Each character, no matter how small, is dripping with such realism, it is hard not to relate. I can't wait for the second installment in this is going to be to good to pass up!

    About the author:

    After years of daydreaming complex stories for familiar characters from film, TV, and books — nearly always involving a romance that hadn’t been included by the original writer — Lisa Hendrix borrowed a page from motivational speaker and author Marsha Sinetar and decided that it was time to start doing what she loved and hope that the money really would follow. She began writing the medieval romance from hell, a manuscript that taught her a lot, but which is now safely locked away where it can do no harm.

    In April 1992, she carried a dot-matrix printed synopsis into an appointment with a Genuine New York City Editor at a local conference and pitched an idea for a historical romance set in the American West. The editor was interested and requested a partial manuscript, along with assurances that Lisa would buy a better printer. Credit card in hand, Lisa set out to comply. She mailed the proposal a month later, and five months after that, received The Call. HOSTAGE HEART and DRIFTER’S MOON were soon on the shelves, followed by contemporary romantic comedies RAZZLE DAZZLE, TO MARRY AN IRISH ROGUE, and her first single-title lead, RUNAWAY BAY.

    Now she’s gone back to her medieval roots with IMMORTAL WARRIOR, Book I of The Immortal Brotherhood, a new series featuring a crew of Viking warrors cursed to be immortal were-creatures. Book II, IMMORTAL OUTLAW, will follow in 2009.

    For more information on the author visit

    Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris


    Hardcover: 176 pages
    Publisher: Little, Brown and Company (October 8, 2008)
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 0316035904
    ISBN-13: 978-0316035903

    About the book:

    David Sedaris's beloved holiday collection is new again with six more pieces, including a never before published story. Along with such favoritesas the diaries of a Macy's elf and the annals of two very competitive families, are Sedaris's tales of tardy trick-or-treaters ("Us and Them"); the difficulties of explaining the Easter Bunny to the French ("Jesus Shaves"); what to do when you've been locked out in a snowstorm ("Let It Snow"); the puzzling Christmas traditions of other nations ("Six to Eight Black Men"); what Halloween at the medical examiner's looks like ("The Monster Mash"); and a barnyard secret Santa scheme gone awry ("Cow and Turkey").

    I am a big fan of David Sedaris. I find his writing to be consistantly funny. His humor is both droll and sarcastic in equal measure. This holds true with "Holidays on Ice". While I found some of the stories personally funnier than others, they were all very witty and delightully readable.

    My favorites were "Seasons Greetings" about an annual holiday newsletter, and "Six to Eight Black Men" which points out a number of different ways a seemingly familiar story can be told.

    Sedaris is a satirical giant who never fails to please. Whether you are looking for a good read, or just a good laugh, "Holidays on Ice" should have you covered.

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    Win a copy of Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips

    About the book:
    Being a Greek god is not all it once was. Yes, the twelve gods of Olympus are alive and well in the twenty-first century, but they are crammed together in a London townhouse-and none too happy about it. And they've had to get day jobs: Artemis as a dog-walker, Apollo as a TV psychic, Aphrodite as a phone sex operator, Dionysus as a DJ. Even more disturbingly, their powers are waning, and even turning mortals into trees-a favorite pastime of Apollo's-is sapping their vital reserves of strength.
    Soon, what begins as a minor squabble between Aphrodite and Apollo escalates into an epic battle of wills. Two perplexed humans, Alice and Neil, who are caught in the crossfire, must fear not only for their own lives, but for the survival of humankind. Nothing less than a true act of heroism is needed-but can these two decidedly ordinary people replicate the feats of the mythical heroes and save the world?
    I have 5, yes 5 copies to give away, thanks to Valerie Russo and the wonderful people at Hatchette Book Group.
    For 1 entry, leave me a comment.
    For an additional 5 entries blog about this and leave me a link so I can check it out.
    * Winners are restricted to the US and Canada. No PO Box mailing addresses, please.*
    I must have a way of contacting you, so be sure to leave your email address in code: you[at]yourmail[dot]com*
    I'll close the comments on Friday November 14th at 6PM CST and pick the winners. I will contact the winners via email to get their snail mail address. The winners will have three days to respond. If I do not hear from them within three days, I will select another winner(s).
    * If you're interested, leave a comment with that all-important email in code.This sounds like a great book, and what a great way to get the word out. Hope to hear from you soon!

    Sam's Quest: The Royal Trident Book 2 by Ben Furman


    Reading level: Ages 9-12
    Paperback: 240 pages
    Publisher: Black Hawk Press; (Book 2) edition (October 1, 2008)
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 0977873145
    ISBN-13: 978-0977873142

    About the Book:

    Samantha Costas, called Sam, a descendent of the Originators, the keeper of the Crimson Crystal, and the savior of the Awokian people, is the bridge to the World of Bergeron and its lands of good and evil.

    Prince Buznor, an Awokian from Innerworld on a diplomatic mission, is seriously wounded during a surprise attack. He calls out to Sam as he falls into a raging river and is swept away. The Crimson Crystal glows, alerting Sam that her friend is in danger. She descends to the World of Bergeron where she comes face-to-face with the most powerful evil she has ever encountered. This evil must be defeated or all is lost.

    Sam is dealt a blow when she loses her parents and is set to stay at her Grandfather's farm. When the Awokian Prince Buznor is ambushed, he calls to Sam for help. She is, after all, the keep of the Crimson Crystal. Sam would do anything to save her friend, so she immediately answers his call for help.

    The rescue may be harder than she originally thought. She must return to Innerworld and travel to the land of Bergeron. This, in and of itself, could be perilous. After finding Buznor, she encounters dangers she never imagined, dangers that threaten to destroy one thousand years of peace.

    "The Royal Trident" sees Ben's creative energy continue, the world he weaves involving Sam and the world of Bergeron are enough to keep any lover of fantasy entertained. While I enjoyed the first installment, I enjoyed this one much more. I look forward to the opportunity to read more books by this talented author!

    About the author:

    Ben R. Furman, former FBI counterterrorism chief, has drawn on this experience to write about high-tech terrorism, chemical, biological, and nuclear threats, and transnational criminal cartels. During his career he investigated kidnappings, extortions, bank robberies, led SWAT teams and was the FBI counterterrorism chief assigned to address threats against the United States by terrorists of all stripes. He also writes fantasy adventure novels with positive messages for the young adult, juvenile market and is the Rexus CEO, a corporation that conducts international corporate investigations involving industrial espionage, internal theft, business due diligence and background screening. You can visit his website at
