Book Feature: The Crossroads of Space and Time by Charles and Irene Nickerson

Inside the Book:

The Crossroads of Space and Time

Title: The Crossroads of Space and Time 
Author: Charles and Irene Nickerson 
Publisher: Xlibris 
Pages: 262 
Genre: Thriller/Suspense 
Format: Ebook

Captain Bancroft couldn’t believe this resort. The beaches were pristine. The rooms were comfortable. Everything was so relaxing. The only area off limits was the northern beaches and an area they called the trench. He asked a Mr. Jones why. Mr. Jones told him that since he was head of security. He would take him out to the cliffs and show him the reason. While out there they saw a large sea bird flying over the water. That was when a large shark leaped from the water and snatched it from the air. Mr. Jones pointed out that is why the northern beaches and the trench were off limits. Bancroft decided that was a good reason. The rest of the crew was just having a good time. Mrs. Svedberg ran the resort like a general. The service staff seemed happy, despite the fact that she seemed demanding to work for. He also was confused by the large canus that seemed to have free run of the island. Till he was told they were part of the security detail. Yet, he liked what he saw. These Maxumus were good at what they did. Bancroft decided he was a lucky bear. At the very least his life would probably never be boring. He was going to be right.

Meet the Author:

Charles Lansford Nickerson has a Masters of Arts in History from the University of Northern Colorado and a BS in History from Iowa State University. He is also a Veteran of the United States Air Force, where he served as a Missile Combat Crew Member. He also taught History in Christian Schools for 10 years. He has previously published two acclaimed Poems. Irene Jean Nickerson is a graduate of Ankeny Christian Academy in Ankeny, Iowa. She is currently a student at Central College in Pella Iowa.


