Kill 4 Me by Joel Andre


Paperback: 214 pages
Publisher: (August 11, 2008)
ISBN-10: 1435753089
ISBN-13: 978-1435753082
About the book:
Kill 4 Me, a technological thriller set in rural America. The story follows Casey Dwyer, a small town girl who becomes caught in a spirit’s unrelenting quest for vengance after she receives a cryptic and seemingly harmless text message. A supernatural thriller that explores how technology can be used to torture others through the lens of a horror novel.
What could be more perfect with Halloween right around the corner, than a quick scary book? Casey Dwyer has always felt responsible for her sister. Like she always has to look out for her. So when she gets the call that she has gotten herself in trouble, once again she goes off to save her. But this time, it turns out that it isn't possible.
She tries to move on with her life and make things as easy as possible for her mom. At least she has her best friend Theresa to try and help her through the rough patches. So when she starts receiving text messages from an unknown caller asking her to kill for them she at first thinks it some sicko. She realizes all too quickly that it is real, and the stakes are high.
This book grabs your attention from the first page with the vivid descriptions and suspense throughout. Looking for a scary read for Halloween, or anytime? Look no further.
About the author:
Joel M. Andre was born January 13, 1981 in Cottonwood, AZ. He began writing back in 1994 on a personal level, discovering the passion and feeling the words brought him. Although more of a hobby at the time, he collected his works and in 1999 released the poem The Midnight Express. It received positive feedback, and was quickly followed by For the Salem Witch. To date Joel has released over 60 poems, and 3 books.
Pray the Rain Never Ends was the first book, which includes the poem he wrote for his nephew Christopher Andre. A gripping work that shows a different side to the creator of work that usually holds a darker flair.
The follow up book A Death at the North Pole brought a new side of Joel out. This was a dark journey through a winter wonderland, and provided a more in depth look at Joel and his long form writing.
Most recently Joel released the book Kill 4 Me, a technological ghost story, of a woman haunted by a vengeful spirit through the use of a cell phone and computer.
With a passion for writing, you can tell Joel loves what he does. Although some would say his imagination runs more left field, there is no denying his original thoughts and ideas will provide enjoyment for years to come.

You can visit his website at
KILL 4 ME VIRTUAL BOOK TOUR ’08 will officially begin on October 1 and end on October 30. You can visit Joel’s blog stops at in October to find out more about his book!
As a special promotion for all our authors, Pump Up Your Book Promotion is giving away a FREE virtual book tour to a published author or a $50 Amazon gift certificate to those not published who comments on our authors’ blog stops. More prizes will be announced as they become available. The winner(s) will be announced on our main blog at on October 30.

